Are you Lee, the guy who rides 1/2 mile wheelies on the big 950? If so, ride your big bike--it's a long ride and you can take the 950 places a lot of people can't. It's just a road ride--only problem will be if it rains.overlander wrote:I'm in on this one! What bike should I ride? Maybe I should ask who wants to lead me around, the dirt bike dudes or the big bike dudes?!
WHAT?!?!?!?!?!Hayden wrote:Very tempting to trade the Boxer for it.
Sounds like a plan. I will plan to see you at LetKo around 0930, heck maybe Leigh will let me demo something....troy wrote:Daryl (and anyone else who cares),
I kind of messed up and scheduled 2 demo rides at Letkos for Sat morning...forgetting it was the same morning of this ride. However, I think I can do both.
I have a 9AM demo on a Husky SMR450 and a 9:30AM demo appt on a TE610. I should be finished by about 10:00AM. This gives me 1.5 hours to cruise about 55 miles of backroads including the River Road from Leavenworth to Atchison.
I'll have to haul fast to get there on time, but me thinks I can do it. I created what I hope will be a fun route. You can see it here:
There is one point in the route I'm especially interested in checking out--it's a curvy road called "4WD Rd". It does not show on the Leavenworth County KDOT map, but it shows on Google Maps and the Satellite imagery. I won't have much time to play along the way, but I'll let you know what I find.
So Daryl, do you want to join me at Letko's? Or do your own ride? I think we can get to Atchison in time to meet the Lawrence gang.
No worries, see you at 0900!troy wrote:I am an idiot. Letko Demo Days are June 29 & 30. This ride is the 23rd. There is not a conflict. Oops. Please disregard my previous posts.
Daryl, I'll just ride over to your house at about 9:00AM? that would give us plenty of time to play along the way. I'll rework my route up to Atchison. I plan to take us a little different route than the normal River Road, although we'll hit a little of it. Coming home, we'll ride the River Road mostly.
Thanks for setting me straight, Chris!
KLR is a great bike for this kind of a ride. You can stretch out a bit. If you don't already, you'll learn to stand a lot. I recommend standing a lot early on. Near the end of the ride, when you are tired, you will not want to stand as much, and your butt will be glad you did not wear it out on the first half of the ride.tp_cracker wrote:Hey Carl, you still plan on doing this trek? If so, I'll see if I can get permission from the boss about joining up with you if you decide to go. If you don't go, maybe I'll be able to tag along with Troy. Haven't done a ride this long before, so maybe need to get some extra padding for the KLR seat.
tp_cracker wrote:Hey Carl, you still plan on doing this trek? If so, I'll see if I can get permission from the boss about joining up with you if you decide to go. If you don't go, maybe I'll be able to tag along with Troy. Haven't done a ride this long before, so maybe need to get some extra padding for the KLR seat.