Ride & Camp Dualsport Adventure
Friday - 131 miles - Kansas City to Stockton Lake State Park
Highlights include minor highways and tiny bits of gravel to shortcut here and there.
View Friday's route
Leaving KC between 2 and 3. Exact departure TBD.
Saturday - 275 miles -= Stockton to Mulberry Mountain Lodge near St. Paul, AR.
Highlights include forest roads in the "Arkansas Grand Canyon", Arkansas' "Tail of the Dragon" (Hwy 123 near Mt. Judea), rugged Jeep road that features an old log settlers home setup as a personal museum we can tour, best BBQ you may ever eat.
View Saturday's route
Sunday - 310 miles - Mulberry Mountain Lodge to KC
Highlights include beautiful Shores Lake, infamous Warloop road and Pannell road.
View Sunday's route
You are invited, but if you are concerned about what time on Sun we'll return or are quickly frustrated when things don't work out quite as expected, you should avoid this ride. If, on the other hand, you like a little "adventure", this could be for you. There will be at least a few miles that could challenge some riders. Warloop and Pannell have some reputation.
Weather looks great for riding but nighttime temps are dipping down to mid 30's. Cold camping and brisk mornings. I'll be on my F800GS with an insulated suit. I'll take the liner out in the afternoon if it warms up enough. Camping is the plan, but we'll be ready to motel it if desired.

Just reply here if you want to ride.
Troy Wolf