The first thing I did when I came home from the inspection station was to lower the brake pedal by rotating the cam and shortening the push rod. Put some blue lock-tight on the cam bolt, would hate to loose that on the road or trail.This included lubing the pivot points, spring and push rod in the cylinder too.
(This is an image off the net not actual mtc.)
Didn't get pictures but adjusted the after market clutch lever to engage/disengage? the clutch closer to the handlebars. I can already see that I will be feathering the clutch at low speeds off road due to the tall first gear. Again this included lubing the pivot points of the lever assembly and springs on both the clutch and brake.
Started tracing brake light problem but haven't got very far, except to find the front brake switch dangling from it's wires under the lever. Actuating the switch with my fingers still didn't produce a brake light. I am not for sure yet but the brake light may be staying on all the time instead of not lighting.