I mention this because I was talking with an old friend from HS over the holidays and we where talking about riding. I grew up in Maine, where he is still located and he was drilling me with questions about riding out here in the Midwest. Back home everything is crushed sea shell with huge granite boulders (lots of the crushed sea shell, minimal granite).
He asked me how many pinch flats I've had so far, told him zero, but I hear of it a lot and many seem to run higher tire pressures then am use to (12-13 psi f & r). He said when his family heads down to Mexico each year for their big ride, they grease the hell out of the tubes, before they install them... Never have any pinch flats during their 2week ride..
We discussed talc powder and such, but in his opinion it doesn't have the same effect. So, just curious about what some might think of it.. Did some Google searching and the only negative I could easily find discussed the grease breaking down the rubber tube over time, well and the mess.

Anyone ever tried this?