I blew a main shaft bearing in the tranny on the way home from AR this fall.....the KTM ride.
Drove it home and around here for a while then decided to pull the tranny. I was going to just pop out the bad bearing and put it back in but decided to have the whole thing rebuilt since I had it out. $500 got me new seals, bearings, and new sincronisers,(SP). Put it back in and all was well till I put it in reverse. It just stayed there. Took whole truck back to shop. They pulled it out again and found a missing pin for Rev and 5th. They replaced the pin and put the tranny back in the truck. Cost me nothing.
Couple of weeks later I replaced the starter for the 1st time. She now has 215,000 miles and purrs like a kitten.
I keep telling myself to sell my Landcruiser and this truck and just go get a newer Tacoma with a V 6 but I just want to see how far she will go.
NOW!! if Toyota would just make motorcycles