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Forum Header Photos

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 08:31
by troy
Some of you may have noticed the changing photos at the top of the forum. Those of you that have been around for most of the forum's history will recall the auto-rotating photos I had in place at one time. I may set that up again, but for now, I have created 10 header images that I'll rotate at my whim. These are my own photos from rides I've been on over the years with many of you.

If you have a good photo that you'd like to see turned into a forum header image, send it to me at troy at troywolf dot com. Not all photos would work as it's a wide and short strip I need to cut out to create the header image, but don't hesitate to send candidate photos to me. Also don't be offended if yours is not selected!

I wanted to provide a little background on the image with the "ROAD CLOSED" sign. We do not, of course, condone riding illegally on closed roads. As many of you know, the forest service can be whacked, under-staffed, incompetent, confused, or all of the above at times. That photo was taken as we were exiting a trail where we discovered the "ROAD CLOSED" sign. The other end of the trail was not marked closed. Marking only one end of a trail as closed is, according to my mathematical analysis, about 50% effective. I found it humorous, so I snapped the photo and felt it header image worthy. :)


The others so far:









Re: Forum Header Photos

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 08:48
by curado
Just another thing that makes this forum awesome.

Re: Forum Header Photos

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 15:12
by troy
Thanks, Curado!

OK, so when I said I might setup an auto header image rotater someday. Turns out that day is today. As of right now, every 10 minutes, the image will be randomly selected from all available images. As I add more into the folder, they'll be automatically added into the rotation. Yes, I am a geek.

Re: Forum Header Photos

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 16:08
by BeemerBill
Hey Troy, Some of those pictures had to be taken at Chadwick, Missouri.... Right ? I think I know where a couple of them are located at.... As always, good job Troy.

Re: Forum Header Photos

Posted: 14 Dec 2009 16:24
by troy
BeemerBill wrote:Hey Troy, Some of those pictures had to be taken at Chadwick, Missouri.... Right ? I think I know where a couple of them are located at.... As always, good job Troy.
Thanks for the praise. Actually, none of those photos are from Chadwick. I've only had one ride at Chadwick, and that only lasted about an hour before I hurt my already badly injured ankle. One or two are from rides in the Mark Twain of Eastern Missouri at the Freeman Offroad Resort (STELLAR!). All the other photos are from my rides in the Ozark/St. Francis forest near Cass, AR (Whiterock Mountain area). At least one is from the official Mill Creek ATV system down there--which is where I go instead of Chadwick.