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Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 03 Oct 2009 11:42
by MacWildcat
Hope Shane makes a full recovery, good news he was able to get out under his own power.

Troy you mentioned you urges to learn the 180 turn around technique. I "mastered' this move years ago, though the lesson cost me more than a couple hundred bucks. My lesson for this move cost me about $25K, torn ACL among other things. My two cent advice: Make sure you leg isn't planted and your foot is able to rotate when the bike turns 180 degrees.

Lately my wife keeps chanting her newest mantra "You play, you pay".

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 07 Oct 2009 17:07
by troy
Shane's staff sent me an email to let me know I'd be getting a refund and that they hope to do the school in 2nd quarter 2010--which is very promising news for Shane's recovery hopes! I inquired about Shane's condition and got a personal reply from Shane himself! Check out this amazing attitude!
Shane Watts wrote:G'day Troy,

Thanks for the support. I'll be heading in for surgery on Thursday Oct 8 to have the five fractured vertebrae fused together. Following three months of recovery and rehab I'll be ready to get back out on the trails again. Hope to see you there!

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 08:47
by Hank Moody
troy wrote:Shane's staff sent me an email to let me know I'd be getting a refund and that they hope to do the school in 2nd quarter 2010--which is very promising news for Shane's recovery hopes! I inquired about Shane's condition and got a personal reply from Shane himself! Check out this amazing attitude!
Shane Watts wrote:G'day Troy,

Thanks for the support. I'll be heading in for surgery on Thursday Oct 8 to have the five fractured vertebrae fused together. Following three months of recovery and rehab I'll be ready to get back out on the trails again. Hope to see you there!
Somebody better let him know that it takes 6 months to establish a solid fusion. Maybe Australian protoplasm is different, but it sounds like Mr. Watts doesn't take no for an answer. I hope he can do it and I might be healed enough to attend the 2010 course!

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 11:40
by troy
I'm subscribe to Shane's Newsletter. This just came out. Thought I'd share it here for those following the accident and recovery.
Shane Watts wrote:G'day Everyone,

Thanks for the outstanding support I have received from everyone since I crashed last Thursday while setting up for a Dirt Wise school near Kansas City. Pretty much is was just one of those dumb, slow crashes at only about 5mph (which probably should not have even happened). Amyway, as I went off a 3 meter high creek bank the engine stalled, which resulted in an abrupt endo and trip over the hangers. I landed sprawled out flat on the creek bed and the bike proceeded to have an intense, direct impact on my spinal column just below my shoulder blades. This resulted in three broken ribs, but more importantly multiple fractures to the six vertebrae between T3 and T8.

Following several days of hospitalization in Kansas City and a flight back to Charlotte, NC to see our specialists here, there were conflicting opinions about the severity of the injury and the best option for total recovery. With more consulting today it was determined that one on the vertebrae had started to collaspe and that surgery was the only option.

Therefore I'll be heading in tomorrow (Thursday Oct 8 ) for surgery to have the fractured vertebrae fused together. I'll spend approximately 3 days in hospital for observation and pain management but then will be able to walk on out of there and begin light, every day activities as I continue to heal. Following about three months of recovery and rehab the specialist says I'll be ready to get back out on the trails again and get into it!

So again, thanks heaps to everyone for their emails of support as we really appreciate that. We will post updates to our website every few days following the surgery to let those who are interested know what my progress is.

Also, check us out on Facebook for additional updates-just search "Shane Watts" and become a fan.

I can tell you though that I am pretty disappointed that this injury prevented us from attending the ISDE (6-day) in Portugal, from Oct 12-17. I was planning on making this my last ISDE ever. Unfortunately this is not the ending I was looking for....

There are still about 5 shirts available for giveaway for groups for fundraisers/raffles. If your group is doing something to raise money, drop us a line and tell us about it and we will send you out a shirt to raffle off!

We'll see you all back out on the trails again soon!

Thanks for reading!

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 10 Oct 2009 14:06
by tcarlgren
Hope he makes a full recovery. A very real reminder that something can happen at anytime in this sport we so dearly love. Ride Safe!

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 29 Dec 2009 13:56
by troy
Unbelievable! Shane has already healed enough to teach two of his Dirtwise schools and is feeling good! I got the call yesterday that Shane plans to do his Warrensburg class Fri & Sat, June 11 & 12. I'm signed up.

Shane plans to race the Enduro there the following day--Sunday, June 13th. Stu, you'll need to come school Shane in how we ride in the Midwest! HAHAHAHAHA!

I'll have to make a 3 day camping/riding extravaganza out of that weekend! Looks like I might learn how to ride a wheelie after all. 8)

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 30 Dec 2009 08:51
by Hank Moody
Wow! he is doesn't let anything slow him down. Troy you will be a wheelieing, log jumping and super fast rider after this course. Please share some riding tips for us all...

I can't believe it is snowing again :x

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 30 Dec 2009 09:48
by curado
This looks like something I would love to sign up for.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 30 Dec 2009 10:03
by troy
curado wrote:This looks like something I would love to sign up for.
If you are serious, you can give Megan a call at (828) 465-4181 -- she is Shane's administrative assistant.

The class that was supposed to happen in October was completely full with a waiting list. When Shane got hurt, I was given the option of a full refund or I could let them keep my deposit and hold my spot in class. I chose to keep my spot in class. Perhaps a lot of other people asked for a full refund and gave up their slot. If so, you may be lucky to get in.

Cost is $350 for 2 long days of training from one of the best in a class of no more than 20 students. It is held near Warrensburg, MO. They require a $100 deposit to hold your spot. The balance of $250 is due the week before class.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 30 Dec 2009 13:53
by curado
I could afford it but it would be irresponsible of me right now. Maybe after I don't have a penny of credit card debt left. Gotta stick to my priorities, I'm sure he'll be doing it in a year or two still.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 19:49
by Savage

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 12 Jun 2010 20:14
by troy
I'm wiped! Class was excellent! Shane is a very good teacher. I'll post up some photos and perhaps videos soon.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 08:58
by MacWildcat
Probably got some extra pointers on how to ride in mud! (Could have used some help myself yesterday) I need to find a riding clinic for old farts...., gimpy..., that shouldn't be try this stuff anymore.

When is the Shane Watts Jr. (Troy) clinic to pass on what you learned?

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 11:32
by troy
MacWildcat wrote:When is the Shane Watts Jr. (Troy) clinic to pass on what you learned?
That would be almost feasible because what he taught were simple, little things. There were just so many of them, and when you learn to make them habit and put them all together, you will have greater bike control and thus a higher comfort level and thus you'll use much less energy to ride. This translates into safer riding, and if you desire, greater speed. I think I could explain a lot of the techniques, but demoing them would be a problem for sure! Shane's demos were a big part of the learning process.

It was kind of funny for Mike, Daryl, Michael, and I because we were the only ones with license plates, headlights, etc. Most of the other 17 or so guys were racers with mostly 2 strokes and number plates, etc. Those guys were all about all throttle all the time, wheel spin, high-speed wheelies, etc. Every time Shane would send us off to practice what he just explained and demo'd, most of those guys would attack off the line like it was a race. :lol: For me at least, it was a strange experience to be in an exercise where we are supposed to do the thing in front of Shane then get back in line...but these kids kept diving in and cutting in line like we were racing to get to the front of the line. You had to get a little aggressive to hold your place.

If you watched Shane, though, he rarely had the RPM's over 1,000. Most of the bike control techniques are best learned at very low speed and with very little throttle. A resounding theme was to use the clutch--not the throttle. For many exercises, the throttle would be raised slightly and then you use the clutch to ease (or sometimes snap) the power on. I've always been scared of wheelies and struggled to pull the wheel up in a controlled manner. Shane solved that with 10 minutes of explanation and a short demo. I've got a long way to go, but it's easy to pull the front wheel up at very low speed now. No, I was not able to master the 180 wheelie, but Shane sure made it look easy.

One of the more exciting exercises was what Shane called "grinding". We rode up to a telephone pole at a sharp angle to put the front wheel on one side with the rear wheel on the other side then do a sliding grind all the way down the pole! Most of the guys were able to do it all the way along the 20' pole. I was not able to get more than 12' or so, but I was getting a feel for it--need more practice. Shane explained that this is exactly the skill you need when your rear wheel falls into a rut. You can panic, take your feet of the pegs, and wipe out...OR you can just stand up, turn the bars and grind all the way down the rut. No worries, mate.

One thing I did "master" was the ability to spin the bike around on the front wheel. (Sorry about the face full of roost, Mike & Daryl!) Again, 10 minutes of explanation and demo, and it's easy. I've struggled in the past even to turn my bike around on a narrow dirt road!

I learned a ton that will translate into making me a much better rider, but it will all be for nothing if I don't get out and start practicing the techniques. For most everything we practiced, you only need an acre or 2 of land.

I definitely recommend Shane's Dirtwise school if you get a chance to attend.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 14:40
by safiri
What Troy said. The racer mentality was a bit overbore, but Shane responded by splitting up the group into the fast and not-so-fast. Once again I was a "girly man", but not having to deal with revving 2Ts behind me wanting to pass was just fine.

I am sore. I have a large bruise on my leg from a bad landing and a scratched up nose and cheek from a run-in with a locust tree. But I had fun and learned a lot. The other three got to witness me do a high speed low side in the mud on Saturday. Whoa, Nelly!

The four of that attended are creating an outline of what we did and the simple instructions that accompanied those skills so as to be able to recreate the practice sessions. Like Troy said, a few acres would do. Shane even suggested using an abandoned lot or parking lot in an industrial area. Not so sure I want to have to outrun the PoPo or deal with a ticket for being a hooligan.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 13 Jun 2010 22:44
by KC
Safiri said:
The four of that attended are creating an outline of what we did and the simple instructions that accompanied those skills so as to be able to recreate the practice sessions. Like Troy said, a few acres would do. Shane even suggested using an abandoned lot or parking lot in an industrial area. Not so sure I want to have to outrun the PoPo or deal with a ticket for being a hooligan.
I like this idea...when you guys are ready we can meet at School Creek for a day of practice! :wink: The high open area at the begining of the West side would be a perfect place I think.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 15:38
by troy
KC wrote:...I like this idea...when you guys are ready we can meet at School Creek for a day of practice! :wink: The high open area at the begining of the West side would be a perfect place I think.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 14 Jun 2010 21:14
by reddof
As Troy and Mike already said the class was amazing. Shane is not only a great rider but he is perhaps an even better teacher. The biggest problem I see is that I got a lot of information in a very short time. The four of us are having trouble remembering everything to put it in the notes!

Most of the exercises in class are only about 10 minutes of riding. I made huge progress in that little bit of time though because Shane is there giving you instant feedback. I still need to get out there and practice everything repeatedly to make it a habit. I'm going to set up a track where I can practice. I'm lucky enough to have 9 acres so I don't have to resort to finding a vacant lot somewhere.

I highly recommend the class.

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 06:55
by Hank Moody
Shane is the man! I'm such a better rider now and with practice who knows. The skills he showed us not only can help the trail rider, but also the racer. In our class there were A riders all the way down to the 4 of us, but Shane made us feel welcome.

I would encourage anyone who wants to be a better and safer rider to attend. But be aware it is a physically demanding class! I'm still sore...

Re: I got in! Shane Watts Dirtwise school

Posted: 15 Jun 2010 07:31
by troy
Hank Moody wrote:...But be aware it is a physically demanding class! I'm still sore...
Oh man am I sore. Yesterday, just lifting my legs from a sitting position was painful. Not just sore--painful. My left shoulder is aching in ways I've not experienced before. I still feel exhausted. No injuries, no accidents--just worked the bike in new ways using muscles I don't normally use. The 1,005% humidity and high heat did not help! 8)