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Protective Body Armor Suits

Posted: 09 Feb 2007 22:39
by troy
If you have specific experience with any of these products, I'm looking for advice....

I rode with a standard MX-style chest protector last year until it went to pieces on me in the Ozarks. Then I wrecked last fall while not wearing any chest protection....and cracked a rib or 3.

So I'm sold on the gear....but since I'm going to spend money, I think I want to step up to the more expensive body armor "suits". In addition to chest and spine protection, these products provide shoulder and elbow and sometimes kidney protection. They are not as bulky as standard chest protectors, but most do not provide as much chest protection either. Their slim design allows you to wear them under a shirt---I think I'd like that.

I'm looking at these products. Slimtrader, you have the RockGardn Flak Jacket, right?

Rock Gardn Flak Jacket

Fox Racing Launch Suit

SixSixOne Pressure Suit

From what I understand, the products with the design that includes a zipper down the middle of the front leaves you vulnerable to direct impact in the center of the chest since the suit is not rigid at that point. The SixSixOne Pressure Suit looks to have solid chest protection. Of course this probably makes it harder to simply zip off and on.

Something to consider is how hot will it be to wear in 90+ degree KS heat? The Rock Gardn Flak Jacket looks to be the most breathable.

I think I'm leaning towards the SixSixOne product because of what I'm
assuming is better protection value. I'm finding retailers offering the Pressure Suit for $130. Seems like a good deal.

Another option is the EVS Ballistic Jersey. I like to do business with, and they sell this item locally here in Kansas City, but the review I've read complain about the poor-quality construction of this product and that the elbow pads don't want to stay on your elbows. Just looking at this unit, I'd guess that. Anybody tried it?


Posted: 10 Feb 2007 07:33
by safiri
I have worn a 661 pressure suit for two years (fall 2005). I have worn it on all of the DS rides I have done in that time, including my CO trip and the two AR trips I have done with you. (When we go out when it is cold I wear my street gear ... no 661)

It is made of stretchy mesh so it is as cool as possible, considering all of the padding and guards. I wear it under a standard jersey. (Look at all of your Ozarks pictures of me ... the 661 is under my orange jersey in all of them.) In summer I wear a polypro t-shirt under it. A light colored, light-weight jersey on top will keep you just as cool, if not more so, than wearing what you have been.

The product has held up. I figure it has just as much life left in it as I have used. If not more.

As to protection, I am not sure that any of these provide as much as a hard chest protector. However, knock on wood, I have not been injured in any of the many falls I have taken while wearing this product. A few of these have been pretty good ones (that stream crossing in AR a year ago comes to mind).

The zipper is on the side, so the chest protection is not broken down the middle. To me this is important. The suit isn't hard to put on or take off.

AND, I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one when this one wears out.

Re: 661

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 08:13
by troy
safiri wrote:I have worn a 661 pressure suit for two years (fall 2005). I have worn it on all of the DS rides I have done in that time, including my CO trip and the two AR trips I have done with you.
Funny as much as I've ridden with you, I wasn't sure what it was you used! ;) Gee...and all this time, we just thought you were ripped under that jersey....oh wait....we have almost naked photos of you in the Mulberry river that prove otherwise! :lol:

Well that is about as good a recommendation as I could hope for. And zipping down the side---that sounds like a good design.

The nice thing about a standard chest protector is that during long stops for lunch or otherwise, you can just slip it off. I'd probably wear the 661 under my would be apt to just leave it on the entire day. That's what you do, isn't it? It's comfortable enough that this does not bother you?

There are 3 Pressure Suit models from 661. (see the link I posted) I'm leaning toward the "Pressure Suit" over the Pro or SP-2. I think I'd like the thumb hooks for keeping the sleeves in place. Which do you have, Mike?

As I'm typing this post the warm morning sun is teasing me through my kitchen windows. She beckons me come out and play....only to slap me in the face with sub-freezing air if I dare take the bait. Bitch.

Re: 661

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 10:22
by safiri
troy wrote:Gee...and all this time, we just thought you were ripped under that jersey....oh wait....we have almost naked photos of you in the Mulberry river that prove otherwise! :lol:

You sooooo funny!

I'd probably wear the 661 under my would be apt to just leave it on the entire day. That's what you do, isn't it? It's comfortable enough that this does not bother you?

I leave it on. If I am warm, and in the shade (the suits are black) and the stop is long (lunch) I might take it off. Usually I don't. It is comfortable.

There are 3 Pressure Suit models from 661. (see the link I posted) I'm leaning toward the "Pressure Suit" over the Pro or SP-2. I think I'd like the thumb hooks for keeping the sleeves in place. Which do you have, Mike?

I have the SP-1, which I assume is the predecessor to the SP-2. I got it for about $90 at STP ... listed under downhill bicycling. The regular Pressure Suit would probably be my choice as my "shorter, slimmer" SP-1 does ride up on my waist a bit. Probably due to my non-ripped belly. I don't have thumb hooks ... or at least I don't use them. The material is stretch so I haven't had an issue with sleeves working up as I ride.


Posted: 10 Feb 2007 10:42
by britt
I was looking at the sixsixone assault, but it appears to have soft padding at the chest. Does the sp-1 have hard armor in the chest area?

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 10:48
by slimtrader
Yes, mine is the Rock Gardn Flak Jacket. I'm happy with it so far but then again I don't have much experience with anything else. My wife puchased it for my as a Christmas present and I wasn't even wearing a chest protector before then. So all I really know is it makes me look buff and I feel really tough wearing it so don't mouth off to me if I've got it on. It does tend to get hot when I wear it dancing in the clubs and I've quit wearing it to bed because my wife doesn't like the feel of it against her skin.

I didn't even think about the lack of protection where the zipper is until someone pointed it out to me on the Arkansas ride. I guess every super hero has an Achelles heel.

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 11:26
by safiri
The 661 chest armor isn't "hard" but isn't soft either. The plastic is injection molded and will flex a bit to conform to your body, bend with it, etc.

The goal of all of these protectors (hard, middle, soft) is to spread out the impact force so as to decrease the impact pressure. Although probably not as good of protection as a hard shell, these suits will do pretty well.

If'n I was doing MX tricks ... flying through the air ... ala Travis Pestrana, or racing, or riding like Tracy (Hayden), I would want something much beefier. But then I wouldn't want to wear it riding in the woods as it would be uncomfortable (hot, constricting, etc).

TANSTAAFL: There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. The more protected you are, the more uncomfortable (heat, movement, etc) you are.

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 13:19
by Hank Moody
Troy I saw this on Discovery last night and it was impressive, it is called Dragon Skin and it is the latest in body armor. Like Mike said the idea is spread the impact out. Check it out, but it might cost a little more... :D

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 13:20
by troy
slimtrader wrote:So all I really know is it makes me look buff and I feel really tough wearing it so don't mouth off to me if I've got it on.
He's not kidding. He seems like such a nice guy, but as soon as he puts on that Flak Jacket, he's ready to fight! :lol:

Posted: 10 Feb 2007 13:22
by troy
Daryl Perry wrote:Troy I saw this on Discovery last night and it was impressive, it is called Dragon Skin and it is the latest in body armor. Like Mike said the idea is spread the impact out. Check it out, but it might cost a little more...
Perfect. I need something to protect me from bullets. I like to dualsport in some really tough neighborhoods. :roll:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007 12:12
by troy
I ordered my 661 Pressure Suit. So it's too late to persuade me to get something else, but if any of the rest of you have experience with these products, please feel free to weigh in with your opinions. Thanks!


Posted: 11 Feb 2007 15:49
by Stu

For future reference: I use the Moose chest protector and Moose jersey. The chest protector is the only one with adequate shoulder protection as well as back and chest. The Moose jersey has padding in the shoulders. I have crashed really hard racing and trail riding. They have both done a great job protecting me, and that is, as they say, the bottom line.


Re: Protection

Posted: 11 Feb 2007 16:28
by troy
Stu wrote:I use the Moose chest protector and Moose jersey. The chest protector is the only one with adequate shoulder protection as well as back and chest. The Moose jersey has padding in the shoulders. I have crashed really hard racing and trail riding. They have both done a great job protecting me, and that is, as they say, the bottom line.
Thanks for the info, Stu. You actually race---and I've seen how aggressively you "trail" ride. :shock: If I rode that hard, I don't think I could wear enough protective equipment! :lol:

I think the 661 suit will give me a high-level of protection for the rugged trail riding that I enjoy as well as an occasional backroads corner wipeout without making me look like I'm ready to enter a motocross. Not that I personally have every hit a gravel corner too fast and ended up in the ditch. Nope. Never happened to me---and none of you have photos to prove otherwise. 8)

Re: Protective Body Armor Suits

Posted: 05 Oct 2007 10:17
by britt
I just got one of these, seems like it will protect well. I like the removable sleeves for when you stop for lunch or breaks. ... leeves.htm

Re: Protective Body Armor Suits

Posted: 07 Oct 2007 20:24
by MesaLC4
Thanks for the encouragement, Troy. The shoulder is healing up nicely. I wrenched on the bike all day today and it seemed okay as long as I didn't push it too hard.

Pulled the carb and found out that the previous owner still had the high altitude jetting, so I swapped that out. Should help eliminate the blue pipes and exhaust popping.

Thanks for the body armor recommendations. I went with a Thor ImpactRig. Side zipper, decent coverage and looks to have good padding. And, it was on sale for $112. Can't beat that.

Image ... ctrigse_07


Re: Protective Body Armor Suits

Posted: 07 Oct 2007 21:11
by fatburg
Wow, that seems like a nice gitup there.

Re: Protective Body Armor Suits

Posted: 22 Oct 2007 06:54
by fatburg
Has anyone around here used the Acerbis Koerta? Seems like it has the same issue with chest protection, but the back protection looks amazing! It's got very good response from the ADVrider area as well.
**edit** Well I just ordered one up for this weekends ride. I'll try to give a report back next week. figured I might as well be the guinea pig around here.