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FIM World Championship Enduro
Posted: 13 Nov 2007 07:54
by Hank Moody
I saw that the FIM World Championship Enduro is on Speed Channel today from noon to 2:30. The DVR is set!
Re: FIM World Championship Enduro
Posted: 13 Nov 2007 08:36
by fatburg
set up a series recording, I think it is up through like week 5 now maybe. I have Italy and Canada on my DVR from last night or the night before, I can't remember. It's pretty fun to watch although typical with that kind of course you only get to see very limited sections of action
Re: FIM World Championship Enduro
Posted: 13 Nov 2007 17:52
by Hank Moody
Same old story for class 3, David Knight wins by 3 minutes plus each race! He is unbeatable... the only thing that would make him better would be to ride a Husky. But that is not going to happen, all I can hope for is to have Troy ride one!
Re: FIM World Championship Enduro
Posted: 20 Nov 2007 21:49
by clfarren5944
Hey Troy,
David Knight can be beat! A young Polish rider beat him at the EnduroX final in Vegas Sat. night. One of the best races I've ever seen. He had just become Knights team mate after winning Erzberg. Knight was pissed!
Geoff Aaron rode a new elec start 2-wheel drive KTM/Christini 250cc.
The course was very tight and looked to favor the Trials bikes but the top three finishers were on big bikes. Also, top three were European riders! Seems we Americans have some catching up to do in Extreme riding.
The Trials bikes were impressive with Colton Haaker? setting fast lap on a Montessa.
Re: FIM World Championship Enduro
Posted: 21 Nov 2007 09:08
by iyeager
Finally started watching my Tivo's of these. I've run some hare scrambles, but some of this stuff is haggard. Just watched Portugal and Spain rounds, I would never, ever, consider that the kind of racing that would or could be considered fun by any stretch of the imagination. It just looks like lots and lots of work. No thanks.
Re: FIM World Championship Enduro
Posted: 21 Nov 2007 10:44
by fatburg
all I know is every time I watch a couple I want to go out and ride