The DR350 is WEAK! WEAK I tell you!

I've got about 16,000 miles on her and the last 9K were added by me in the last 2 years. Most of those miles could be classified as "abusive".

The cam chain is most certainly stretched causing the timing to be off, which explains some of why she does not run like a top these days. I surely need to rebuild the carb, too. She simply does not have the raw power to loft the front wheel. A skilled person can make it happen, but that ain't me.
So, I was thinking....I could spend thousands on another bike...or....what if I spent up to $1,000 on this old girl? For $450.00, Jessi at will send me a jug (top of the motor) bored out with a new sleeve and the big bore kit to make the 350 a 435!

Another $329 gets me this super-duper, lightweight exhaust.
Hardly seems worth $329 to me, but hey, if I'm going to frankenstien the ole' DR, let's go all the way, right?

What about suspension? I wonder if I can get upgraded (heavier duty) springs for the forks. What about the rear shock?
My goal is not the ultimate bike--wrong machine to start that build! I want MORE POWER and BETTER SUSPENSION. The easy route would be go get a new bike, right? But wouldn't a DR435 be cool?!

Jim Foley (Mr. Wizard), you want a project?