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Arkansas Ride, Satellite Questions
Posted: 14 Jun 2007 23:51
by Hayden
So my first question is. Those that rode AR last year, do you remember taking a trail right by the Byrds cabin. once we left the cabin, we went left down the dirt road instead of out to the Hwy. It wasnt far and we headed up a trail. Am I right in thinking this or am I way off. I sure thought it was a trail by the cabin. Anyway, if I am right, where did it end up at. Up to White Rock Road?????
I have been looking at Google satalite images and was just wondering, anyone down load the Google earth software and play with it? You like it?? Whats the cool satalite software now??
Posted: 15 Jun 2007 07:18
by Hank Moody
I remember this because this was the day everyone went off and left Greenboots, David and myself. I can't remember where it ended up, but it was a nice up hill at the start.
Posted: 15 Jun 2007 07:54
by safiri
Posted: 15 Jun 2007 08:25
by troy
Here are the routes that Sean prepared for the ride, and we pretty much rode exactly these until LONGB---which was riddled with dead ends and closed roads. (That was a LONG day, eh Mike & Kyle? But we did find that amazing swimming hole.)
You can click the links to bring the route up in an easy-to-use tool to visualize the routes including satellite imagery. You can also click "Save" to download the GPX data file to use in MapSource and other software.
Great route!
This route had some issues with closed roads near the beginning. It ends at the Oark General Store for lunch.
This route was plagued with closed roads. Starts at the Oark General Store and ends back at Byrd's River Retreat.
From the cabin through half the Mill Creek ATV trail system.
More of the Mill Creek ATV trail system.
Posted: 15 Jun 2007 13:15
by troy
I created a route that I believe starts at Byrd's River Retreat and ends at the point of White Rock Mountain.
The one part where my route is "fuzzy" is shortly after turning West from the cabin, the route turns North onto a rugged trail that is not on the map--I routed that part by looking at Sean's route that I know worked.
Interesting--if you look at the roads in this area on Google Maps and then on Yahoo Maps, the roads names are completely different in some cases. For example, in Google, the road the cabin is on is called "Jethro Rd". Yahoo calls it "Shores Lake Rd"--which is helpful because you can assume it takes you to Shores Lake which is a few miles South of White Rock Mtn. The road just to the North of this road is called "Co Hwy 76" and "Co Hwy 1003" in Google, but Yahoo calls it "White Rock Mountain Rd".
A little tidbit...on this route, you'll come to a wide spot where three roads meet with a wooded island in the middle and a large wooden sign showing mileage to various points. If you take the most Northern road, it will take you up to what the locals call "5 corners" (not marked as such, but several roads converge), which is just below the Mill Creek ATV Trail system. Just continue North on the road you dump out onto to find the trail head. This road is "FS1509" and/or "Mill Creek Rd" and/or "Co Hwy 101"...yeah, it is confusing.

Posted: 15 Jun 2007 20:16
by Hayden
I think the Yahoo maps is more real world when naming roads. I know for a fact that the Sign out on the hwy names it White Rock Mountain Road and not Co 76 or 1003. I would like to know where Google gets that info from?????? County maps maybe?
Thanks for the info Troy. Seems I will be down there a week before you all get there this year again so I wanted to get some exploring in.
Posted: 16 Jun 2007 07:39
by safiri
Tracy: Download the "after" file I posted (see link above). Use the route I name (above).
Click on the Google Earth placemark file I have on the same page.
Either one will show you what we ACTUALLY rode vs. what was planned.