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Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 06:43
by Ryno
This was hands down the worst "motorcycle" movie, (if you can even call it that) that I have ever seen. The trailer had the only motorcycle riding in the entire damned movie. Poor Charlie had to have just been being nice at the end, long way down/round isn't even in the same galaxy with those hacks. That trailer was so misleading and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 06:46
by Creekside
No doubt. Anyone going to get that free cd or whatever they were offering at the end? :-) lol. If hallmark made adventure films that would be it! Charlie is probably laughing his ass off.

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 07:22
by troy
BEST MOVIE EVER! I cried through the whole thing. It really touched me in my special place. I'm waking up today a new This story helped me to understand my story which is part of a bigger story in the story of life. Everything is a story in which our story unfolds. It's all about story.


Sadly, I highly suspected this was going to be a bait & switch, but was hoping for the best. I read John Eldridge's "Wild At Heart" book many years ago, and it's very good. His message is a Christian-based message. And as we Christians tend to do, we want everyone to know that Jesus is the answer. The bait & switch is unfortunately a classic Christian evangelist trick! Hey, you poor people need some food? Here is some food....but first sit through this 20 minute sermon.

OK, so this is definitely based on stereotypes, but all 3 of those sons, and especially 2 of them, had speech patterns and carried themselves in ways that registered "gay" on my gaydar. (Nothing wrong with that. I'm a huge fan.) Those "wives" and the fiance at the end might have been actors. OK, probably not. Now I'm just being mean, which is not very Christian of me--nor is it part of my story... oops. I said "story" again.

If you really want some laughs, go read the angry comments in the official movie trailer YouTube page since the movie showed! Here is one from a wife who watched the movie with her rider husband:
As a female who went to see this with my husband (a really good rider, unlike these movie fellas) I was not expecting a chick flick. What the hell? I've never seen such drama queens in my life. "Tell me a story where you enjoyed the ending." "Well, the musical Les Miserables..."
The film was seriously lacking footage of actual riding and camping along the way. The footage they did have was shot well with drones. They should have had 80% more riding and at least 80% less touchy-feely talking. About 45 minutes in I wanted to shout out "SHUT UP AND RIDE!"

There are ride reports with photos and videos on that make for a far better adventure "story" than this movie.

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 07:45
by Jengel451
I ended up getting in a bit later than I wanted, so just went home from the airport.

Word on the street was that this was "A complete pile of shite" some friends watched it up in Seattle and walked out, basically about half the people there went to the local bar about 20 minutes in.

so, even though I was dealing with airport crap, I was better off?

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 07:47
by chadman
I could not believe how bad it was after watching the trailer first. The trailer contained all of the riding. Should have been called "I'm Gay, but Stuck in the Closet".

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 08:52
by Harvey Mushman
I initially planned to see this movie if nothing else to support a bike specific movie effort. As my wife and I were driving to the theater, she pulled up the trailer and I watched it. (I watched most of it, not all). What I got was a bunch of guys, some with no riding experience at all, get matching bikes, and head off on their epic adventure to "find themselves". To each his own, I'm not gonna judge, but this is real high on the "GAY-METER", oops, I said I wouldn't judge. We turned around and got ice cream instead then went home and watched "Dust to Glory" for the 14th time. Now there's a good flick. To each his own I guess.......

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 10:53
by Hank Moody
I agree with everyone else and this movie was far from a motorcycle movie. I feel I was tricked/the old bait and switch and was shown a get in tune to your feeling movie. Got to remember to bring along a copy of The Chronicles of Narnia for my next trip :lol:

Apparently you can get a refund according to their facebook page.

Send an email to with your name and address for a full refund. I just sent a refund request so we will see....

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 11:39
by Jengel451
Stolen from ADV


Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 18:21
by Savage
Ha Ha Ha, this thread is getting good now. After watching the preview I thought it looked like some "techies" were sitting around Panara Bread one day watching some awesome video's on their Iphone's when they all decided they were going to use some vacation time and go "explore the world".

If you guys feel like a bunch of vagina's now after sitting through it you could watch this video to redeem yourself. :lol:
If you don't watch it all, at least skip to the 39min mark.

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 20 May 2016 18:55
by Motoracer13
Bri sent an email and a private message to them on Facebook asking for a refund so we will see how that goes. It's worth going to Facebook to read people's comments there, it's a lot of the same as here but not as nice and polished as our stories of A few replys had me actually lol'ing!

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 21 May 2016 14:29
by troy
Savage wrote:If you guys feel like a bunch of vagina's now after sitting through it you could watch this video to redeem yourself. :lol:
If you don't watch it all, at least skip to the 39min mark.
Thanks for sharing this documentary, Quinton! I put it on the big screen and thoroughly enjoyed it! What a great film. I like how they took a mix of riders from 15 year old up & coming star to 75 year old weekend warrior rider and threw Graham Jarvis in the mix and sent them out trail riding. VERY COOL perspectives shared in the film.

Like "A Story Worth Living", this movie also featured men talking about life & feelings. However, in this film, it didn't come off cheesy or scripted, and did not leave me feeling like I just accidentally watched Brokeback Mountain. Plus it actually featured a ton of very cool riding!

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 21 May 2016 22:10
by Ed M
With all of the stellar reviews, I'm now glad I didn't waste my time and money seeing this flick. Initially I figured I would have to wait for the DVD to go on sale, but nope not now. I have to wonder how many people got roped into this??

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 27 May 2016 16:21
by Hank Moody
I heard back from the And Sons group and they will be mailing me a refund. They just wanted to know how much the ticket was.

Apparently, JD one of the rides has posted an open letter to the motorcycle community.

These jokers just don't get it and they are trying to blame us because we are uninformed. "The organizations that produced the film - And Sons and Ransomed Heart - are both faith-based organizations. Screenwriter John Eldredge is a well-known (NY Times best-selling) faith-based author. We haven't tried to hide that - both organizations and Eldredge's name are listed on the home page of the film website and in the trailers."

I had no idea who John Eldredge is and I don't routinely/never investigate the producer and screenwriter before I watch a movie. I relied on the trailers I going to see the new X-Man movie this weekend with my son so I guess I better figure out who the producer is I won't accidentally end seeing a faith based movie.

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 27 May 2016 17:34
by troy
I feel that's a pretty nice apology and explanation. The offer of a refund is above and beyond probably. So in my mind, I forgive these guys. I have no desire to see them burned at the stake. Heck, I'm not even asking for my money back, but sure don't blame anyone who does.

As an "adventure motorcycle movie", it flat-out sucked. As an inspirational movie? Despite the fact I share their faith and even agree with the message they were trying (and failing) to get across, it still sucked. The "deep moments" did not feel authentic. It was the lack of authenticity that ruined it for me. (Ok, and if I'm honest, and this makes me a bad person, the effeminate nature of those sons annoyed me. I don't hate them for it--just not my cup of tea I guess! I like my men to be manly. Uh oh...that came out wrong.)

Go watch your average ADV ride video posted on AdvRider and you'll see authenticity. You'll also get to see motorcycles actually being ridden. ;)

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 27 May 2016 22:33
by Motoracer13
This was the email that the wife received.....

Stacey (RH) (RH Support)

May 25, 14:23

Hey Bri,

Thanks for getting in touch. We are sorry you felt so disappointed because of what you saw on the screen, we hope you can come to understand is was not our intention to offend anyone, especially the riding community.

We will absolutely refund your money. We’ll get that out to you as soon as we can.

If you haven't seen it, one of the producers and riders of A Story Worth Living wrote an open letter to the motorcycle community; it may be helpful in clarifying some things for you. Here's the link to that if you're interested:

Stacey Burton
for the Ransomed Heart Team

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 27 Jun 2016 18:29
by Motoracer13
Well surprisingly enough I got a refund check in the mail today! Even now that the movie was free I still stand by the fact that the dinner and company before it was more enjoyable and....... a much better story worth those jokes are never gonna get old!

Re: MOVIE: A Story Worth Living

Posted: 28 Jun 2016 11:14
by ajayhawkfan
It was not free, it cost us about 2 hours of precious time.