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Re: Pinch flats / tire pressure - ideas..
Posted: 04 Dec 2015 23:44
by stimmer6253472
Even if it does work it seems like more trouble than it's worth to me. The mess alone would be the deal breaker for me.
Re: Pinch flats / tire pressure - ideas..
Posted: 14 Jan 2016 06:00
by Ryno
I have run with grease and without. For sure don't grease if you don't have at least one rim lock, tire can definitely spin on rear. My humble opinion is carry a couple bead buddies and practice changing tires with trail tools (says the guy who just bought a tire stand lol). If you do it enough the hardest part for me is pumping the darn thing back up with my little bike pump...co2 maybe? Now that I have posted on this subject, my next ride will surely result in a pinch flat. Thanks Murphy!