Over the 4th of July weekend my wife and I went West to the mountains to celebrate our 34th wedding anniversary and do some dual sport riding. We were riding some switchbacks and my wife went down hard. I had no cell service so pushed the spot button. They contacted rescue immediately. Shortly after that a couple in a jeep came by and was able to get a cell signal and was able to talk to 911 and tell them it was not a life or death but an ambulance was needed. Shortly thereafter rescue was there. And Ann was transported to the hospital with a broken collarbone.

After getting off the mountain I contacted SPOT because I had a phone message from them. They told me who they contacted for the rescue and mentioned they called everyone on my emergency list.
That experience has sold me on the SPOT Messenger. If you don't have one I recommend you consider it.
We are still in mountains of NM enjoying Taos but not riding like we planned.