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School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 28 Jan 2015 22:32
by gagnaou
School Creek Trail Maintenance Day

Saturday March 28th start time at 10:00 am

If you have ever been to school creek or any other park for that matter and enjoyed the trails, you have been able to do so thanks to lots of work from a few volunteers. As a riding community, I believe that it is our duty to give back so that we can keep on enjoying this great privilege and those great riding areas!

In November of 2013 we had a good clean up at School Creek, there was a similar event this fall at Perry Lake and we figured it was probably time to go back to school creek. As usual, it is hard to get everybody on the same page and I checked with a few people and the weekend of the 28th of February seems like it would work for most.

Troy did all the leg work in 2013 so I just had to contact Kim Jackson to make sure that we were on the same page and that this date will work. I also checked on most of the local offroad community web site and this date seems to be free of most events.

Just like Kyle and I noticed, Kim mentioned that a lot of work was needed on the north side where a lot of the older trails less used have been overgrown and could used a good clean up, so let's make it happen and if the weather looks like anything we had today (high 70s), we'll be able to put some good riding in at the end of the day!

We need to make sure that the word gets out, if you are member on other forums where people are user of those trails, please pass the word. I will try to see if I can get my wife to develop a flier that we could post in dealers store or other places to make people aware of it.

Some pictures from the last clean up day:
rycomm wrote:

Hopefully a couple of before and after shots appear below.



And an action shot. Road block removal service.
Better now.


Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day

Posted: 01 Feb 2015 10:30
by gagnaou
I will update original post but let's plan on starting at 10 in the morning. I will also need for you to RSVP as I have found a sponsor for lunch and I will need a head count.

If you have not been to school crrek recently, here is what it looks like, granted those were taken in the most open trails.



Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 01 Feb 2015 15:21
by Savage
Sorry we've got basketball practice.

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 20:07
by gagnaou
Savage wrote:Sorry we've got basketball practice.
You can come after the practice ;-)

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 20:10
by gagnaou
Great News guys!

I just talked to Cycle Zone this morning and they are in to help us makes this event a success! They are donating some pretty cool things!

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 19:36
by KC
Thanks for organizing this year's clean-up, Luc! COUNT ME IN :D

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 21:16
by gagnaou
Good to hear that you are in Kyle, Cycle Zone has been very generous with door prices and you may be leaving with the tire that you need so bad for your bike! 8)


Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 07:32
by KC

Sounds like Cycle Zone has provided some pretty good stuff as an incentive this year!
We never know what the weather will be like, but we need more people to volunteer.
Bring your bikes, it doesn't have to be all work and no play. It shouldn't take us all day to knock out what needs to be cleared, then we can ride for a couple hours to enjoy the fruits of our labor. :wink:

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 08:50
by Savage
Can you have someone post it on the Shawnee county trailrider site?
I'll ask my friend to post it on fmhsc site. I think they have a race there next month.
I'm going to try and make it...

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 21:11
by gagnaou
Kyle and Quinton,

thanks for passing the word. LĂ©once and I went riding at school creek today and I made a point to tell everybody I could about the clean up day. Most acted like they would come, we'll see. I also slid the flier in the box by the toilets so hopefully a lot of people see it.

If any of you go riding to school creek, print a few fliers to leave with people or put them on their windshield if they are out riding. After all, they should be the people the most interested in helping out.

Link to flier: ... XqGWa?dl=0

I think I may be able to swing by it next saturday, but that is the only day between now and the event unfortunately.


Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 21:18
by troy
The flyer is also available at Once there, right-click and "Save as". Thanks, Luc!

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 14 Feb 2015 20:46
by gagnaou
I was there today kind of late in the day unfortunately, I talked to a few guys there about the work day. I doubt they will come but who knows :roll:

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day February 28 th

Posted: 25 Feb 2015 20:20
by gagnaou
Not really what I wanted to do, but looking at the weather and talking a few key players, the event is not going to take place this saturday the 28th of February.

The new date is the 28th of March, a month from Saturday!

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 26 Feb 2015 10:39
by Ed M
That might not be a good date as the St Louis Supercross is 28 March.

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 28 Feb 2015 09:39
by gagnaou
Ed M wrote:That might not be a good date as the St Louis Supercross is 28 March.
I know, hard to make it work for everybody. Today some people would have not been there because of the Arenacross in KC...

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 06:33
by gagnaou
Time to bring this thread back to the top!

who is in?

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 17:48
by Savage
Me and the fam plan to be there.

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 24 Mar 2015 18:47
by troy
I have plenty of excuses not to, but....I plan to be there ready to work hard before hopefully getting a chance to ride a bit. I no longer own a chainsaw, so I'll be following someone with a saw, taking shifts, and throwing branches off the trail.

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 25 Mar 2015 20:16
by KC
I will be there.

Don't forget the official RideForum.NET banner, Bro!

Re: School Creek Trail Maintenance Day March 28 th

Posted: 27 Mar 2015 09:41
by ChrisCrash
Me and a buddy are planning on coming. Is there a time? 8 or 9 ish? we will be coming from nkc and plan on getting an early start. We should have two chainsaws. Anyone have pics or ideas for a home made bike chainsaw holder?
I will bring some tap for minor flesh wounds. For any larger cuts my buddy will have tourniquets.
see ya all.