Saturday March 28th start time at 10:00 am
If you have ever been to school creek or any other park for that matter and enjoyed the trails, you have been able to do so thanks to lots of work from a few volunteers. As a riding community, I believe that it is our duty to give back so that we can keep on enjoying this great privilege and those great riding areas!
In November of 2013 we had a good clean up at School Creek, there was a similar event this fall at Perry Lake and we figured it was probably time to go back to school creek. As usual, it is hard to get everybody on the same page and I checked with a few people and the weekend of the 28th of February seems like it would work for most.
Troy did all the leg work in 2013 so I just had to contact Kim Jackson to make sure that we were on the same page and that this date will work. I also checked on most of the local offroad community web site and this date seems to be free of most events.
Just like Kyle and I noticed, Kim mentioned that a lot of work was needed on the north side where a lot of the older trails less used have been overgrown and could used a good clean up, so let's make it happen and if the weather looks like anything we had today (high 70s), we'll be able to put some good riding in at the end of the day!
We need to make sure that the word gets out, if you are member on other forums where people are user of those trails, please pass the word. I will try to see if I can get my wife to develop a flier that we could post in dealers store or other places to make people aware of it.
Some pictures from the last clean up day: