Got a new bike yesterday:

Previous bike is for sale with 2 folks having first & second right of buying. Asking $8500.

In my opinion (and you know what that's worth), the KTM 690 is one of the very best dualsport compromises available. All dualsport motorcycles are a compromise between comfort on the longer miles and trail-worthiness. Hix has this 690 setup AMAZING. He has it lowered a bit, and while I don't normally mind the tall machines, I might just leave it lowered--it felt so good. I rode it for a few miles out in CO and felt like I could have just kept going for 300 miles and hit some serious rough stuff along the way.Savage wrote:Nice rides! Your 690 should sell easily. You don't see very many for sale. It seems like they would be an awesome DS.
Superplush did a very good job in matching the ride to my needs. I only removed a bit of high speed compression on the shock and it was good. Their lowering was even & feels like the bike came that way.Ed M wrote:First of all congrats on the new bike!!! In a way I'm glad you didn't post the info on your 690 sooner as I would probably have been the third person in line to buy the bike, I brought home a new one two weeks ago.
I also have a 350XCFW, it is an awesome trail and hare scramble machine. I have thought about buying a Sicass Racing dual sport kit for the bike and using it for occasional dual sport rides and I still might do that. If you get a Rekluse the install is easy, external adjustments via the slave cylinder device is amazingingly simple. My biggest concern is that the maintenance requirements such as recommended oil changes are rather frequent for the 350XCFW which might be a problem on longer trips such as the COBDR, TAT, etc, hence my reasoning for buying a 690.
How well did you like the superplush suspension set-up and the lowering kit? I had TBT suspension in Springfield MO revalve the forks on my 350 to handle rocks better. Terry did a great job on my forks and he has a good reputation amongst the Hill Billy Gran Prix (Winter Hare Scramble Association that primarily runs in the ozarks of southern MO) crowd. I'm going to ask him what kind of price will be needed to revalve and possibly lower my 690 as well. Never hurts to do a little comparison shopping IMHO.
If you decide to sell the BRP rubber mount separately shoot me an e-mail