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Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 21 Jan 2016 22:22
by Savage
May as well sell all the bikes the way its been going. I'm tired of the wet & sloppy trails every weekend.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 22 Jan 2016 00:04
by bird man
I think I will hang on to mine just on the outside chance it gets warm again someday.
Was just thinking this eve how I would like to go on a nice long ride and how much fun the rides I did last fall were.
On the weather lore topic ......when you see turtles crossing the road it is going to rain .....and if you notice the direction they are going most of the time they are moving to higher ground. I have noticed on a few occasions seeing them crossing the road moving from higher ground to lower ground after a rain.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 22 Jan 2016 09:19
by Jengel451
thinking of throwing studs on the dirtbike and heading to Chadwick or Walters in the next couple of weeks......thinking of it anyway.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 23 Jan 2016 16:02
by Ed M
If the weather forecasters are right next weekend might be a beautiful one to go riding
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 19:16
by Savage
Is the mud finally starting to dry out some???
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 09 Feb 2016 23:12
by bird man
Yes ....checked my trails on sat. and they were soft but very rideable. Of course the creek crossings have running water and the low spots are muddy.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 12 Feb 2016 19:15
by Savage
I FINALLY got out for a ride this afternoon!! The trails tacked up perfectly.

Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:09
by Savage
Grrrr... It's back.

Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 18 Dec 2016 09:51
by bird man
Maybe this will help you feel warmer or at least forget the cold for a moment. Yes it is cold I had -10 this morning.
Here is a something seasonal and inspirational. ... d-on-high/
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 05:54
by kingrider
Holy Cow!! I watched the wee day out video. That was impressive but everytime he did something I thought - "there's another trip to the emergency room!"
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 24 Dec 2016 07:41
by Savage
I watched the 1st video as well. Amazing skills!!
Since the trails are sloppy and I don't want to have to clean my bike I'll just push it around and pose for pictures.

Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 15 Jan 2017 15:54
by bird man
Locked down in ice.

- Add description
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 15 Jan 2017 17:33
by Savage
That's funny, I was just thinking about you and your drones this weekend. My sons drone battery is no good anymore so I ordered in some new ones and tried it out yesterday. Shoots right up out of the grass now.
So that got me thinking about buying a larger, yet inexpensive drone to mess around with my gopro. Know of any cheaper drones? Which one are you using?
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 15 Jan 2017 22:56
by bird man
Mine is a Yuneek Q500+ ,of course with todays technology it is only a year old and outdated, but it still works just doesn't have some of the latest features. I think Eddie has a Phantom DJI. They both are good machines I think, and can be picked up second hand on places like craigs list for a lot less than when they came out new. There are smaller ones that you can put a camera on. Dee and Mee hobbies in Topeka have been very helpful to me along with research on line. There are so many of them out there, some really good and some not so good. It is important to study up on battery care because they use Lipo (lithium polymer) batteries which require much different care than other types of batteries . Mine came with a cgo2 camera which takes still and video pics. The still pics are not so good but the video is excellent, since my computer skills do not include video management I am not able to post the videos.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:53
by ajayhawkfan
I have the Phantom 4. It has a camera. If looking for one I would consider a Phantom 3 Pro. It has a camera and lots of bells and whistles but had a huge price drop when the 4 came out.
Here are a few pics from the drone. These are the ones from phone. The ones directly downloaded from drone are high resolution and look great.

Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 16 Jan 2017 11:54
by ajayhawkfan
I was controlling the drone from a mile away for the last picture.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 16 Jan 2017 13:25
by troy
Cool drone stuff, guys! I think those guys who take pictures of farms from an airplane then try to sell it to you for $100 are out of business now! Technology always disrupts...we hope in ways that are overall for our better.
I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that.

Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 16 Jan 2017 15:12
by Savage
" since my computer skills do not include video management I am not able to post the videos."
I can help you if you want. It's super easy.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 17 Jan 2017 00:36
by bird man
"I can help you if you want. It's super easy. "
I would like that very much ....thank you
Sorry Eddie , .....The DJI is the phantom that was current when mine was, I didn't know they had put out that many new models since , Yuneek has a new one out but I know very little about it.
Eddie , is that stock technology on yours to fly that far away and still send back pics. Mine will only send back pics from about (they say ) 2000 ft. , and fly some further away than that , but no point if you cant get a pic back to the controller. At somewhere around 1200 ft. I start to loose site of mine which makes me a little uncomfortable.
Re: Brrrr... Now what?
Posted: 17 Jan 2017 07:41
by ajayhawkfan
Yes it is stock the technology. At a little more then a mile I started loosing signal. The website says it has a 3 mile range. I guess in perfect conditions and line of sight (even if it can't be seen).