I just want to let you all know I'm aware of it and may have a solution to implement--thanks to our own jasoomian for working his technical contacts.
SORRY for the issues. I know for many of you RideForum.NET is the MOST IMPORTANT part of you day.

troy wrote:..........
SORRY for the issues. I know for many of you RideForum.NET is the MOST IMPORTANT FORUM ON THE NET..
It will POP on its own.Stu wrote:Dang! Somebody quit! Troy's getting a big head about big membership increases!
Your change might have just worked, last we spoke you were having to restart the server on a near daily basis. But, just to let you know, during your week long absence, I had to restart the server exactly ZERO times. Which I am going to call a very Martha Stewart like good thing - unless you logged in while you were on vacation to take care of it.troy wrote:Thanks for the kind thoughts, Bob and Eddie! No worries. The issues aren't a big deal, and I've made a change that might solve the problem. Time will tell.
This forum is a labor of love and really has never been a burden to operate. My monthly cost for the tech that runs this forum is < $10. (Thanks Amazon Web Services.) It's actually closer to about $2.50/month if I figure the other things I'm doing with the server and break my costs down.
We have a great community for sure. I've been especially encouraged by the growth of late.
Sounds like the issue is solved...or at least the interval has been greatly increased. Thanks for your help, Scotty!jasoomian wrote:Your change might have just worked...