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Daryl Perry--broken ribs

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 12:29
by troy
...but not from riding his motorcycle.

The trip had been planned for months--several guys meeting for 3 days of trail riding in Missouri's famed Chadwick ATV/Motorcycle trail system.

7:30 AM Friday morning: Daryl and I are pumped, bikes are prepped. I pick up Daryl's favorite coffee drink on the way to his house. We load up--a mountain of protective gear is in the back seat. We love riding, but you have to be constantly aware of how dangerous riding can be--so we do our best to prepare and gear up.

We leave Daryl's house and drive about 3 miles to a gas station outside of Parkville. Daryl offers to get the first tank of gas. I had been complaining about pain in my upper back, shoulders, and neck. While pumping gas, Daryl, with his medical training, had some exercises for me to try. While I was trying the neck exercises, Daryl took a step backward. Big mistake.

Daryl caught his foot on the gas hose. He fell backwards and both feet came off the ground before his full weight impacted the concrete barrier that blocks cars from driving into the pumps. He was turned to the side a little, and hit his back on a 90 degree corner. The impact snapped 2 ribs before he slammed to the pavement. He ended up with a bloody knee from the second impact. His cry of pain on impact was like nothing I've heard before nor do I want to again.

Daryl would NOT let me drive him to the hospital, so I took him home, helped him into his own vehicle, and he drove himself! X-rays confirmed what he already knew. He was thankful for the morphine.

He is now at home getting through each day thanks to Vicodin. In his own words, he is basically "an invalid" for awhile.

Hard to believe--you worry so much about getting hurt riding and then do such terrible damage just tripping at the gas station. Maybe ATGATT means ALL the gear ALL the time---even while pumping gas?

Daryl, our prayers are with you for a speedy and full recovery.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 12:50
by CuzinMike
Dang, I'm sorry to hear about that! Never even got to try out that new helmet...

Best of luck for a speedy recovery, Daryl.

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 15:30
by safiri

Pole sana. KiSwahili for "I empathize with you."

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 18:58
by david h
Daryl, sorry to hear about this. You were always the guy to help others with their health problems. Now there is not much we can do to repay you, except to say we hope you heal quick with little pain. When I cracked my ribs many moons ago I could barely stand to roll over in bed due to pain. Course I'm a wuss compared to you.

David H

Posted: 01 Apr 2007 23:38
by tim
omg that is realy unfortunate. Hope you heal up with as little pain as possible, though ribs are known tyo be esp. painfful. that sucks! :cry:

Posted: 02 Apr 2007 13:23
by slimtrader
Holy Crap! All I have to say is stay away from Troy the "Rib Cruncher" Wolf. There really is alot of injuries lately, I hope it ends soon. Get better Daryl.

Posted: 03 Apr 2007 09:24
by Hank Moody
Thanks for everyone’s kind words. I still can’t believe it happened! I was talking with Troy one second and then the next down I go. The pain has been off of the chart and I consider myself to have a high pain threshold. I went back to the doctor yesterday and have new meds now and I should be able go back to work on Wednesday. As far as ridding, I’m looking at 4-6 weeks, I hope. Please post pictures of your rides so I can at least see what you are doing.


Posted: 03 Apr 2007 11:23
by Greenboots
That's rough, Daryl. Maybe a little Jim Beam would spice up the prescription?

Posted: 03 Apr 2007 22:36
by Hayden
4-6 weeks...HA!!!

After taking a bad fall while climbing a water fall in Vietnam a few years ago I had several broken ribs. It was a full year before I stopped hurting.
4-6 weeks was I can actually breath now. :shock:


Posted: 04 Apr 2007 07:21
by safiri
Hayden wrote:4-6 weeks...HA!!!

After taking a bad fall while climbing a water fall in Vietnam a few years ago I had several broken ribs. It was a full year before I stopped hurting.
4-6 weeks was I can actually breath now. :shock:

Tracy, you know just how to lift up a guy's spririts ... don't you! :shock: :? :twisted: :?: :!:

Posted: 04 Apr 2007 07:50
by troy
4 to 6 weeks sounds miracle fast to me, too. I mean, I sure hope it works out that way. Daryl, I am concerned about you being healed enough to ride Colorado in mid-July.

Posted: 04 Apr 2007 22:41
by carlrf
Oh crap, I am sorry Daryl! I will never get gas again, the wife can do it, she's retired anyway!

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 16:24
by Hank Moody
Hayden wrote:4-6 weeks...HA!!!

After taking a bad fall while climbing a water fall in Vietnam a few years ago I had several broken ribs. It was a full year before I stopped hurting.
4-6 weeks was I can actually breath now. :shock:

Gee thanks Wally!

I'm off of the heavy duty pain meds as of this morning and I was able to drive my car! So maybe 6-8 weeks... Thanks again for everyone's support and maybe is was the poor medical care that Hayden got in Vietnam that caused his year long recovery :lol: At least his sounds better than falling at a gas station.


Posted: 05 Apr 2007 18:50
by MoRidin
Daryl Perry wrote: At least his sounds better than falling at a gas station.

Yeah....dude, you need to come up with a better story than the gas station bit.

I would start with..."There I was, standing face to face with the world's most..." and fill something in a bit more...ummm...manly.

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 19:24
by safiri
Daryl Perry wrote:
Hayden wrote:4-6 weeks...HA!!!

After taking a bad fall while climbing a water fall in Vietnam a few years ago I had several broken ribs. It was a full year before I stopped hurting.
4-6 weeks was I can actually breath now. :shock:

Gee thanks Wally!

I'm off of the heavy duty pain meds as of this morning and I was able to drive my car! So maybe 6-8 weeks... Thanks again for everyone's support and maybe is was the poor medical care that Hayden got in Vietnam that caused his year long recovery :lol: At least his sounds better than falling at a gas station.

Next time you are around Tracy [Hayden], ask him about the monkey that stole his glasses while he was in Vietnam. Heck, have him describe the waterfall incident. Makes for a great story.

I vividly remember getting a postcard with a picture of a waterfall. I read the back and it said "this is the waterfall I went over ... I'm ok but my ribs hurt." Amazing that he is alive, Vietnamese medical care or not.

So to help Daryl with his story:
"This dude was bad mouthing Huskies, so I ... "
"You should see the guy on the KTM ... "
"You should see my motorcycle ... and helmet ..."
"There was this bridge out, so I decided to jump it ... "

Heck, write anything that will make Daryl laugh ... I am sure he will enjoy that now that he is off of his pain meds! :D

Posted: 05 Apr 2007 20:47
by Hayden
Yea the fall was not pretty. Just an hr earlier we were talking to locals about how many people had died doing the exact same thing. Girlfriend right next to me watching the whole thing unfold screaming and crying.

Less than an hr after it happened, my whole left side from waist to shoulder was black from bruising. Lots of other bruising also on legs, arms, etc as I banged off of rocks on the way down.

I had another 2 weeks in country and we were a long 2 day drive from Siagon. No medical till we get back to Saigon. I ended up not going to the Dr. till I got back to the US. I figured I could breath ok (some what) so I wasnt going to die. I couldnt lay down and sleep or hold a glass of water in my left hand. Couldnt carry luggage home, or see at this point. Lost the my glasses etc. Quite the trip to say the least.

The F-n monkeys is a whole nother story........ :shock: Maybe that story is left for a campfire one night.


Posted: 05 Apr 2007 21:17
by Hank Moody
Okay, here’s the “real storyâ€

Posted: 06 Apr 2007 08:20
by troy
Daryl Perry wrote:You might ask why we didn’t take the reward and I want to remind you that Han Solo didn’t accept a reward for defeating the Empire…
I see you are a fan of "The Office" on NBC! Great episode! How can you watch a show that laugh-out-loud funny with broken ribs? Yikes!

Posted: 06 Apr 2007 16:20
by Kware
My ribs hurt now from Daryl's story of how it really happened.

Posted: 07 Apr 2007 09:18
by Hayden
Dam Daryl....thats good :mrgreen:
