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Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic?

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 08:48
by moriver
Here's a summary of NHTSA DOT HS 809 360
Single vehicle motorcycle crashes account for about 45 percent of all motorcyclist fatalities. More than 38,000 motorcyclists have died in single vehicle motorcycle crashes between 1975 and 1999. The report claims to provide data for insight into possible causes for these fatalities.
According to the report, from 1990 through 1999, there were a total of 11,038 fatal single vehicle motorcycle crashes. During that same time period, there were an estimated 294,000 non-fatal single vehicle motorcycle crashes. Of these, an estimated 39,000 involved property damage only and 255,000 involved injuries.
Motorcyclist fatalities in single vehicle motorcycle crashes decreased each year from 1990 to 1996, reaching a historic low of 937 in 1996 and again in 1997. In 1998, the fatalities increased to 1,042 (11.2 percent increase); in 1998 and in 1999 they increased to 1,140 (9.4 percent). The overall increase in motorcyclist fatalities from 1997 to 1999 was 203 (21.7 percent).
Report Conclusions: Findings from the FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) data illustrate possible reasons for motorcyclist fatalities in single vehicle motorcycle crashes:
• Helmet use among fatally injured motorcyclists below 50 percent
• More motorcyclist fatalities are occurring on rural roads
• High blood alcohol levels are a major problem among motorcycle operators
• Half of the fatalities are related to negotiating a curve prior to the crash
• Over 80 percent of the fatalities occur off roadway
• Undivided roadways account for a majority of the fatalities
• Almost two thirds of the fatalities were associated with speeding as an operator contributing factor in the crash
• Almost 60 percent of motorcyclist fatalities occur at night
• Collision with a fixed object is a significant factor in over half of the fatalities
• Braking and steering maneuvers possibly contribute for almost 25 percent of the fatalities
• More riders age 40 and over are getting killed
• Almost one third of the fatally injured operators did not have a proper license

Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 09:27
by troy
Thanks for posting this. First, statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.

"Over 80 percent of the fatalities occur off roadway"

Does this mean off-road motorcycle riding, or simply that the person was killed "off roadway". The latter seems kind of dumb because I imagine when you crash on a road it is highly likely you end up off the roadway.

But it must mean the latter, because if it meant off-road motorcycle riding, this statistic would be a contradiction:

Undivided roadways account for a majority of the fatalities

More motorcyclist fatalities are occurring on rural roads
You have to read this stat carefully--it does not mean a majority of the fatalities occur on rural roads. It means more rural road fatalities are occurring now than before.

This combination of stats hints at the mid-life crisis cruiser market:
  • More riders age 40 and over are getting killed
  • Almost one third of the fatally injured operators did not have a proper license
  • Half of the fatalities are related to negotiating a curve prior to the crash
  • Braking and steering maneuvers possibly contribute for almost 25 percent of the fatalities
  • Almost 60 percent of motorcyclist fatalities occur at night
  • High blood alcohol levels are a major problem among motorcycle operators
  • Helmet use among fatally injured motorcyclists below 50 percent
I'm not judging those guys, and I get it. Heck, I'd probably be one of those guys right now if I hadn't already grown up riding. The ADV and trail riding guys I know almost never ride after dark. You know who does ride after dark? The guy who rides his motorcycle to the bar. Guess what folks tend to do at bars--yes, play darts. You should never ride after playing darts.

Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 10:08
by kendall_smith
troy wrote:This combination of stats hints at the mid-life crisis cruiser market:
  • More riders age 40 and over are getting killed
  • Almost one third of the fatally injured operators did not have a proper license
  • Half of the fatalities are related to negotiating a curve prior to the crash
  • Braking and steering maneuvers possibly contribute for almost 25 percent of the fatalities
  • Almost 60 percent of motorcyclist fatalities occur at night
  • High blood alcohol levels are a major problem among motorcycle operators
  • Helmet use among fatally injured motorcyclists below 50 percent
I'm not judging those guys, and I get it. Heck, I'd probably be one of those guys right now if I hadn't already grown up riding. The ADV and trail riding guys I know almost never ride after dark. You know who does ride after dark? The guy who rides his motorcycle to the bar. Guess what folks tend to do at bars--yes, play darts. You should never ride after playing darts.
I ride better after I've played some darts. I feel that it gives me an edge and a lack of fear. :lol:

I couldn't agree more with your post, but then I got to thinking- I'm going to be riding after dark tonight, coming home from O'Malley's. AM I HAVING A MID-LIFE CRISIS?!?

On second thought, I'll be stone sober and not dressed like a pirate, so hopefully that will increase my chances of survival.

Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 18:27
by 3SuperSports
I didn't see anything in there about the increase in amateur stunt riders, but I'm sure it's a factor.

Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 17:10
by stimmer6253472
troy wrote:The ADV and trail riding guys I know almost never ride after dark. You know who does ride after dark?
I rarely ever ride my street bike at night unless I get caught somewhere but I love riding my trail bike at night. It opens up the months of July and August to much more riding. Kick back in the AC of the cabin during the hotest part of the day and then head out till 3-4AM exploring the trails. I can't remember the last time I didn't go on a night ride.

Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic

Posted: 30 Jun 2012 18:30
by biggreen
just ride. 86.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot anyways.

Re: Things to think about when riding, old info. TARKC topic

Posted: 30 Jun 2012 20:48
by Savage
Good thread. Something to keep in mind!