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Fifty Years of Kicks

Posted: 29 May 2012 12:13
by jasoomian
Saw a link to this website over at ADV about packing my DSLR to better handle the road and saw the video below on their front page. Well worth the watch, nice to know that if I can keep taking care of my own health issues, I might have more riding years left in me than I had thought ;)

"Fifty Years of Kicks is a 20 minute video documentary featuring Paul Rodden and Larry Murray; two experienced motorcycle riders who continue to do what they love despite age and health issues."

You can watch it here:
Or at it's home, here:, which, in and of itself, is a fantastic site to read as well.

My favorite quote from Paul (who is 71), 'Get busy riding, or get busy dying.'

Re: Fifty Years of Kicks

Posted: 29 May 2012 18:09
by 3SuperSports
That's fantastic and very inspiring for me.

I quit riding years ago because of back problems and my friends had quit riding long before I did. I've just started back up and ride mostly alone because I need to get back up to speed.
I can tell you from my experience, the saying "you don't quit riding because you get old, you get old because you quit riding" is so true.

After watching that, I can't think of a better way to finish out this life either. On the trail until the very end.

Re: Fifty Years of Kicks

Posted: 30 May 2012 08:08
by troy

Re: Fifty Years of Kicks

Posted: 31 May 2012 10:25
by clfarren5944
I'll be turning 70 later this year and mountain biking, riding dual sport bikes, street bikes and my trials bikes are my main form of entertainment. Riding a trials bike at Chadwick is as much fun as possible even though my strength and stamina are not like in the past. As long as I can, I'll keep riding.


Re: Fifty Years of Kicks

Posted: 31 May 2012 10:46
by troy
clfarren5944 wrote:I'll be turning 70 later this year...
Yuck. Who let this crusty old dude in the forum? I hope he doesn't show up on any rides because he'll just slow us down.

HAHAHAHA! Chris, it's good to hear from you, and yeah, keep riding! I liked that video a lot. The message for me (at almost 41) is to get in shape. Notice I did not say "stay" in shape. I'm in miserable shape right now and 10 lbs away from the heaviest I've ever been.

I'm going to join Curves for Women.