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new to kc, looking for some dirt roads
Posted: 27 Mar 2007 20:11
by pleather
hi guys, new to the adv rider boards and new to the area... i live in midtown kc and have been itching to get onto a few miles of dirt and get my bike a little muddy ... looking for some suggestions about routes/roads to take around the metro area . any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanks. paul
Re: new to kc, looking for some dirt roads
Posted: 27 Mar 2007 20:35
by Hank Moody
pleather wrote:hi guys, new to the adv rider boards and new to the area... i live in midtown kc and have been itching to get onto a few miles of dirt and get my bike a little muddy ... looking for some suggestions about routes/roads to take around the metro area . any help would be greatly appreciated.
thanks. paul
Welcome to RideForum!
Do you have a GPS? If so I believe we have a few routes posted on the site, right Troy????
This is a silm weekend for riding, there are two large rides this weekend one Eureka Springs and the other at Chadwick that a lot of the local riders are going to. Since I live north of the river I would suggest hitting the roads in the north land. Maybe some of the Liberty group might be doing some gravel this weekend. If you want dirt/mud I would also suggest the river road in Leavenworth.
Posted: 27 Mar 2007 21:34
by safiri
Lots of good gravel around. Keep checking here and rides will form.
(Well worth the money.)
Look forward to meeting you on a ride,
Posted: 27 Mar 2007 22:10
by troy
Unfortunately, we still do not have a nice. organized route library. It's still a major feature I want to develop for the site. However, look through the past ride threads in the forum. Some will have links to route files.
What kind of distances are you comfortable with? 150 miles? From midtown, just head north on the Heart of America bridge and up Hwy 169 or any other way to get up north. The gravel roads start north of 435. I've ridden about all of them in a 50 mile radius. There is a cluster of roads up between Smithville and the airport that have some fun stuff.
Posted: 27 Mar 2007 22:52
by Hayden
Cassody is this weekend too. Will be coming from Hutch more likely. Head out into the Flinthills and probably down to Beaumont.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 08:31
by pleather
thanks guys, much appreciated. think i'll zigzag around between smithville and airport... any roads that are good in particular??? i dont have gps yet, still thinking about it.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 08:55
by troy
Get out a paper map and a highlighter, then check out this little route.
In your browser, go to:
Click the "Load" button, which will open a window to paste in some route code.
Open this file, copy the code, and paste into the Marengo Route Tool.
Then click the "Tools" button, and click "Lines".
This is about a 45 mile route in the Northland that touches my favorite roads in the area. There is some fun pavement and lots of good, twisty, hilly gravel. Enjoy!
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 20:43
by The Harm
I attemped to paste the line of code but I get a window that says
failed to load the route....maybe text was incomplete
what am I doing wrong?
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 20:59
by troy
The Harm wrote:I attemped to paste the line of code but I get a window that says
failed to load the route....maybe text was incomplete
what am I doing wrong?
I don't know. Perhaps it depends on your browser and whether it interprets the code instead of just raw displaying it? I use Firefox, and I when I click the code link, it opens as text in a new browser window. I can copy & paste it into the Marengo Route tool fine.
What you should be able to do, though, is right-click the link, save the file to your harddrive. Then open it in something like Notepad. Then copy & paste into the Marengo Route tool.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 21:27
by safiri
I tried, and failed, too. Same error.
This is the start of the text file my browser (IE 7.0.5) displays:
- <gpx>
- <rte>
- <rtept>
- <rtept>
- <rtept>
Edit: When I posted this message, a lot of the copied text I placed above disappeared. Seems any text string with an "=" sign disappeared. Perhaps like the problem with "#" on Luc's picture links?
Does that look right? Are the dashes supposed to lead the statements?
The error message from Marengo is:
"failed to load the route....maybe text was incomplete"
Posted: 28 Mar 2007 22:48
by troy
So Internet Explorer is messing things up for you guys. No problem--just follow my instructions to download, open in Notepad, then copy & paste.
Yes, the code, when pasted in the forum does not appear correctly--which is why I don't simply paste the code directly into the thread.
Posted: 29 Mar 2007 13:25
by The Harm
that worked!! Thats pretty awesome now if I had a gps I could up load to it would be even better.
It would be great to have a libray of routes like that.
Posted: 29 Mar 2007 13:39
by troy
The Harm wrote:It would be great to have a libray of routes like that.
Yes. Yes it would be.