I follow the photo albums of Larry "RideKLR" Ostrom. Larry does a lot of backroads touring on his KLR and takes a lot of photos. I particularly liked this minimum maintenance road picture. Both for the road and the old sign--until now, I'd only seen the diamond shaped min maint signs.
As a follow up we road the two miles on October 2nd. I thought it was a blast. Had a crew of 9 ride through. The day before 14 of us rode 160 miles with some areas very similar.
I was one of the guys along with Larry O. on the Pie Ride. Excellent roads and scenery in the Wilson Lake area.
Larry has put together some really nice routes with lots of good min. maintenance sections. I'm looking forward to riding out that direction again.
""She'll never understand" (the love of motorcycles)
Been there, done that: Husqvarna TE450, KTM 400EXC, TS400, TM250, XL250R, DR350, DR650, Weestrom, and 500 Interceptor.
Larry O has found the really good backroads and did a good job leading the ride to share them with us. That part of Kansas is beautiful.
For a group that size I thought it interesting that there were 3 Larrys. The Pie ride is a don't miss for me, now....maybe the most fun I have had on a backroads ride. Its hard to know because they are all fun. One thing that added a lot of pleasure to the weekend for me was riding from home (223 miles) on backroads to get there.
Make postive choices by eliminating negative options
Not to decide is to decide
Success is not what you accomplish but what you overcome
Larry (Big O) is a true friend and I've ridden with him on many occasions. He was my sweep rider on the first ride I led at the Stampede. Larry is an explorer and you need to keep in mind that the conditions portrayed here are dry. Riding with Big O in less than perfect conditions can become truly interesting and alot of fun. We refer to any muddy, rocky, slimey, impossible road as an "O road"...
Aside: Larry's wife Phyllis makes the best pies on the planet...