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Posted: 06 Nov 2009 08:04
by xr-nut
we are going to ride at milford saturday the 7th. weather is supposed to be in the 70's, should be a perfect day to ride. might even be one of the last for the year. we'll be there earlyish and stay all day. see ya


Posted: 06 Nov 2009 08:44
by Harvey Mushman
If we weren't racing Sunday I'd meet you at Milford. I'd have to be in much better shape than I am now to do a full day at Milford then race Sunday. I'm off today so I'm going to burn some dirt at Oakland for a couple hours this PM. I'll use Saturday to rest up. See you Sunday.



Posted: 07 Nov 2009 23:09
by firepiper
Man I missed all kinds of riding. I need to read this forum more often!


Posted: 09 Nov 2009 09:12
by xr-nut
WOW what a day! lets see where to start...... we got there pretty early, everyone ready to ride. suppose there were about 6 other vehicles in both lots. pretty quiet until around noon. by then the local army post had supplied car loads of young gi's(dont read this wrong, i love those young gi's, once was one myself and im not too old to remember) with one or two quads or bikes to ride among them. crazy, one truck pulls in with one dirtbike or quad in the back and 10 people line up to ride it. all that comes with the requisite drag racing up and down the entry road to the east lot. being the old guy, i scolded several of them and reminded them of the POSTED 10 mph speed limit signs. both my boys(aged 9 and 12) are smart enough not to "play" in the road and are never outta my sight anyhow, but jeesh there were alot of young kids playing there!

anyhow, believe it or not no-one got hurt from the parking lot shenangins. BUT, one gal had to be ambulanced and one guy had to be life flighted. all within an hour of each other! the gal had been trying to ride an unfamiliar quad up a steepish hill when it came back over on her. HUGE gash on her forehead, broken wrist and possible concussion(all these diagnosis are my own and not those of a medical proffessional!) my wife sat with her holding gouze pads on her head and ice on her wrist. they brought three rescue vehicles and the helicopter, though she left in the ambulance! the guy had been hillclimbing WAAAYYY back in the west side and jumping the tops of the climbs. his last climb the back end kicked up(im guessing he let outta the throttle) and the bike nose dived into the ground, slaming his head in the bars(concussion) then piledriving him into the ground like a tack/hammer. a 240# bike is pretty effective at driving one into the ground hard enough you may not get up. thats the case here. they landed the heli just a few hundred feet from him in a field on the northwest side of the riding area, the fire/rescue guys hiked all the way back in there. I received a text from his significant-other late sunday that he has several crushed vertabrae and other non-life threating injuries.

by then it was getting dark, my wife was watching the 4 kids(they parked by us) that had been with the guys family. his sig-other was out with him. of course his bike wont start so i cant ride it back and now its in the bottom of a bowl with no way to push out. so i walk back to my trailer and get my 4-wheeler(crazy i brought it along, i had removed the sprayer from it thinking the wife might follow us out and take some photos-that didnt happen!) i hauled my 12 yr old out so he could drive the quad while towing me out on the bike. i had our quads tow strap along so it worked out well.

we finally made it home about 8:30, which by itself isnt too late but after the stress of the afternoon we were all ready for a shower and bed!

my boys and i rode about 3o miles of trails, had a good time and came home with minimal scratches!


Posted: 09 Nov 2009 09:17
by troy


Posted: 09 Nov 2009 09:22
by Savage
I feel bad for the 2 (and their family) that got hurt. Try and go out and have a good time and you end up with a long road to recovery.