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Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 03 Feb 2008 17:02
by MoRidin
Probably a 3-4 hour drive, but would be a great winter shakedown ride. All trail and almost exclusively sing track. Probably a 25 mile loop run 2-3 times depending on how much energy you have! ... IC_ID=5517
FYI, that same weekend, a bunch of folks from KTMTalk are bidding farewell to a great fella that is losing his visa status and going back to Europe. A 3 day weekend ride is planned (all informal) at Talihena. If weather is decent...I will make the trip down.
Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 03 Feb 2008 17:16
by MoRidin
Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 04 Feb 2008 08:56
by troy
That Mansfield Poker Run ride looks really, really good. Looks to be about a 4 hour drive from my KC Northland home.
For me, it depends on the weather that weekend and the previous weekend. If the previous weekend is nice enough, I plan to break in the TE on the trails at Milford Lake's School Creek. If that does not work out, perhaps I'll drive down to Mansfield for this ride.
What exactly is a "Poker Run"? Do I need to care or just pay my $15 and ride? It sounds like this ride is all on private land, so off-road only bikes are OK I assume. Do you know, Sean?
The Talimena option would be fantastic, but it's a long ways for me to drive if I don't make it a 3 or 4 day weekend.
A year ago, I'd just ride both weekends! Spending time with my baby girl born May 2007 has somehow become a priority in my life.

Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 04 Feb 2008 12:41
by MoRidin
I could pull off three days there Troy (OK that is). I have some good GPS tracks of the area, so there is plenty to ride. The campground has showers etc, so is an ideal spot to base out no tags are required for folks without tags.
That bing said...I am a fair weather rider now! Cold and sleet will spoil my party!
Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 04 Feb 2008 14:58
by safiri
troy wrote:What exactly is a "Poker Run"? Do I need to care or just pay my $15 and ride? It sounds like this ride is all on private land, so off-road only bikes are OK I assume. Do you know, Sean?
Usually a Poker Run is where you get a playing card at each of a series of stops / checkpoints. The rider with the best hand at the end of the ride wins.
Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 04 Feb 2008 17:54
by MoRidin
I gotta tell you, if it is semi warm, I am rolling down to OK for sure. I had the bike out today (75 here) and LOVE the new 450. I WANNA RIDE!!!
Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 04 Feb 2008 22:00
by devro
Dang! Same weekend as the River Valley Dirt Riders (RVDRS) Poker Run in Russellville, Ar.
I'd love to go to OK to ride this but I guess I better stick with my club.
By the way, I went out to our club's land today and rode most of the course for the RVDRS Poker Run. If I was on course, which I think I was, this Poker Run is not going to be for the meek and mild!
Single track? I think some of this course is 1/2 track!
For more info go to:
Re: Early Spring Trail Ride...ok really early
Posted: 08 Feb 2008 11:39
by MoRidin
In case anyone wants to join in...I will be heading down Thursday night and riding all day Fri & Sat. Sunday my son has a scout I have to boogie int he morning. About 25 guys are coming, so it should be a great ride. I have been wanting to go with some experienced trail boss' so I can map out some routes. I will record our weekend ride for future trips...maybe May??