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April 3-6, 2008: April Fool's Ride in Arkansas!

Posted: 13 Dec 2007 16:10
by Stu
NOTE: Thread started by Stu, but this post edited by Troy
This initial post will be updated as the current info regarding this ride changes.

Lodging assignments now posted below in rider list.

Who's Riding

Code: Select all

YES   Sean Noll             The Lodge
YES   Troy Wolf             The Lodge
YES   KC                    The Lodge
YES   Mike (safiri)         The Lodge
YES   Hayden                The Lodge
YES   Brian                 The Lodge
YES   Daryl Perry           The Lodge
YES   Ryan (fatburg)        The Lodge
YES   Mike (slimtrader)     The Lodge
YES   Tom Reiner            The Lodge
YES   Johnathon             The Lodge
YES   Craig W               The Lodge
YES   Terry T.              The Lodge
YES   Dennis                The Lodge

YES   Chadman               Dower House
YES   Mark C                Dower House
YES   Steve B               Dower House	
YES   Jim S                 Dower House
YES   Jim H                 Dower House

YES   Scott Williams        Barn Loft
YES   Zack Williams         Barn Loft
YES   Jeff Roth             Barn Loft

YES   David Hodges          Sears House
YES   Allen Wright          Sears House
YES   David Hemphill        Sears House
NO    Bill Dragoo           Sears House

YES   Joe (xr-nut)          Star 2
YES   Wade Moore            Star 2
PART  Stacy                 Star 2
PART  Josh                  Star 2
YES   Randy                 Star 1
YES   Sandy                 Star 1

YES   Jim Devereux (devro)
YES   David Barclay (disco)
YES   Jeff Gaston
YES   Chris White
YES   Dean
NO    Lee Garrett

--     Jeb
--     Daryl (Oklahoma crew)
--     Josh (Daryl's son, Oklahoma crew)
--     Russell (Oklahoma crew)
Total Rider Count = 42
Head Count for Lodging = 32 FULL!
Meal Count: 38
When you arrive
If it appears you are the first to arrive for your lodging option, please check in with the Mulberry Mountain Lodge office. Let them know you are with the April Fools Ride and what lodging option you are staying in. They will get you set up with a key if needed. As soon as possible, I want everyone who is staying in the lodging to sign the lodge's consent form. By about 2PM on Thursday, It will be on the main dining table in the big Lodge. Once all signatures are collected, I will turn it in to the office. The text of the consent form is posted below. PLEASE read it before hand so you are ready to sign it. THANK YOU for your cooperation on this.

How to get to the lodge
Directions from Fayetville, AR
Directions from the intersection of I-540 and I-40

Mulberry Mountain Lodge
They are not hard to find. Really, they are about the only thing along Hwy-23 North of Cass. The lodge is on the East side of the highway. If you come up from the South, be prepared for a steep climb with switchbacks. Once things level out and you see a big field open on the East--that is the lodge. They have nice signage. They also have a huge performance stage set way back in the field that you can see from the highway.

I would describe this ride as a hard-core trail ride where we connect ATV trails with beautiful forest roads all centered around Cass, AR and the famous Pig Tail Trail (Hwy 23). We'll probably have multiple groups of riders, so each group--and each rider for that matter--are welcome to tailor the ride for their own preferences.

:shock: If you are not OK with dropping your bike and yourself on large rocks and stupid-steep hill climbs, this ride is probably not for you. If you do not own full protective gear, this ride is probably not for you.

Technically speaking, this ride requires a street-legal (plated and insured) machine. However, it is my understanding that the forest service and local authorities are lenient regarding off-road vehicles if you ride responsibly. Please do have a plate on your bike.

This is not an "organized" or sponsored ride. You are responsible for yourself and your own safety. NEVER RIDE BEYOND YOUR OWN COMFORT LEVEL.

2008 April 3rd (Thursday) through April 6 (Sunday)

Cass, Arkansas
Ozark National Forest
Hundreds of miles of ATV trails including the Mill Creek ATV system

Routes - updated 3/30
Thanks to Sean, I present the routes! For those of you who have joined us on previous rides, you'll be excited to know the routes this time include a lot of new stuff for us! This also means a lot of unknowns, so it is guaranteed to be an adventure!
Note: you may need to right-click and choose Save As.
2008 Spring Routes in Garmin GDB format
2008 Spring Routes in GPX format (generic XML)
I also recommend you download my "Arkansas" route is a continual work in progress as I compile routes and tracks from previous rides. It contains a lot of trails that could prove useful as bail-outs, shortcuts, alternatives and a lot of waypoints that may be useful such as the various places to get gas and eat. I posted this route file here:

Some riders will arrive Thursday morning to get a full or half day's ride in. Others (like myself) will arrive Thursday night ready to hit the trails Friday morning. Still others may not arrive until Fri night. Some will leave Sat evening while others (like myself) will stay for a Sunday ride.

Mulberry Mountain Lodge
Thursday - Saturday nights
I PAID A DEPOSIT AND RESERVED the properties at the Mulberry Mountain Lodge.

The Mulberry Mountain Lodge has RV camping pads, so if you want to RV it, check em out.

We all have to sign this consent form, so read it now, agree to it, and be ready to sign when you arrive.
Mulberry Mountain Lodge wrote: Mulberry River Mountain Ranch Consent Form
The facilities and activities offered by Mulberry River Mtn. Ranch have been established to provide the optimal level of enjoyment without compromising the health or safety of guests who utilize the facilities or participate in its activities. Mulberry River Ranch enlists your assistance in assuring that the facilities and equipment are used in a proper manner so that those inherent risks are minimized by the guests thoughtful and cautious use of both equipment and facilities.

Acknowledge the risk in the use of grills, indoor and outdoor fireplaces/campfires, microwaves, stoves, and other electrical and gas equipment and agree to accept responsibility for any injuries sustained.

Acknowledge the risk in participation in unsupervised activities which are made available at Mulberry River Mtn Ranch, in the lodging facilities, in the barn and stable areas, on the ponds and the outdoor grounds which includes biking and boating.

Possible injuries or medical disorders arising from guests activity at the facility, such as heart attack stroke, heat stress, poison ivy, sprains, broken bones, torn muscles, etc.

Horses need to have a current proof of negative Coggin’s test within the last 12 months.

Please ride your horse on the lanes and roads around the ranch and avoid lawn areas and roads in around the Lodge and cabins.

Fields may have large holes, so you may wish to avoid riding your horse where visibility is poor due to tall grass.

Swimming is not permitted in the small lakes on the ranch property. They are for fishing and non-motorized boats only.

Smoking is not permitted in the Lodge, Cabins, Barn or Stable areas. ______ Initial

Please muck your stall (s) before leaving and place manure in the wheelbarrow or bucket.

ATV’s will not be used as transportation between cabins and the Office. ______ Initial

ATV’s are not allowed to be driven around on paved roads or in fields.
They are to be used to ride from the cabins to the trail head at Hwy 23 and on the trails only. NO EXCEPTIONS!! ______ Initial

Speed limit on Mulberry Mountain property to the trail head is 10 miles per hour at all times. ______ Initial

Park your ATVs/dirt bikes only in areas designated by our staff. ______ Initial

Any violation of these rules will result in the forfeiture of all security deposits for your group. ______ Initial

The waterfall trail off the property is for hikers and horses only. Maintain a safe distance from horseback riders to avoid startling horses.

Be aware that pink or purple paint on property in Arkansas means private property. Please avoid trespassing on our neighbors’ property as trespassers may be prosecuted.

Adults who bring children agree to accept full responsibility for the safety of their children and agree to maintain control and discipline of their children for the enjoyment and privacy of other guests.

I (we), the undersigned guest (s), acknowledge the existence of risk in connection with riding an ATV/dirt bike, bicycle, boats, Horse, and assume such risk and agree to accept the responsibility for any injuries sustained by me (us) in the course of my (our) use of the ATV/dirt bike, Bicycle, Boat, Horse or any equipment on the property. I also accept the responsibility for any damage incurred by his/her ATV/dirt bike or Horse.

I (we), the undersigned guest(s), have read the above regulations and agree to follow these regulations during our stay at the Mulberry River Mtn. Ranch.

Sorry, whether you are staying 1, 2, or 3 nights, and regardless of which property you are in at the Mulberry Lodge, the cost is the same. Some rooms are nicer than others, but that's life, all! We all get to enjoy use of the large Lodge facility for hanging out and meals, laundry facilities, etc. You are welcome, of course, to arrange your own lodging. However, I am counting on having 25 to 34 people to cover the expense of what I reserved!

In the past, each rider also had to individually pay a $50 deposit to be lost if you were caught speeding on their property, riding across their lawns or pasture, etc. IF ONE PERSON LOST THE DEPOSIT, WE ALL LOST IT! We did not have any problems last time, because everyone understood if they lose their deposit, they cost everybody $50. I understand why the lodge does this, but it was a hassle for us and the lodge to make all those deposits and get them back. So to make it easier for everybody, I NEGOTIATED A $500 TOTAL DEPOSIT. I AM WILLING TO PUT THIS ON MY CREDIT CARD TO SAVE ALL OF YOU THE HASSLE. (They will not actually charge me unless there is a problem.) KNOW THAT IF YOU CAUSE THE DEPOSIT TO BE LOST, YOU WILL OWE ME $500.

If you can't make this weekend or you'd prefer a slightly tamer trail, check out David H's Hillbilly Dualsport event the weekend before the April Fool's Ride. It is a fantastic ride event!
March 28 & 29, 2008 - Hillbilly Dualsport

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 14 Dec 2007 21:53
by safiri
April 4, 5, and 6.

David H just posted that his AR Hillbilly ride is Mar 28-29. With that in mind, I would vote that we do this ride on April 5-6, with those of us that can riding Friday, April 4.

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 14 Dec 2007 21:58
by MoRidin
Either way is fine with me.

We could do it the same weekend as they are very different rides and all get together one night or two for a big hillbilly dinner. If folks think they can ride two weekends in a row, we could move it back a week.

David - if we wind up the same weekend, any chance you all could ride over to the big barn for a big 'ole BBQ? Or we could all meet in Oark on Saturday night for a hoedown?

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 15 Dec 2007 08:05
by david h
You guys should do your ride any date that works. Like has been said before the groups are different enough that neither ride will suffer too much from being on the same date. Last year we had 70 show up and I would guess a few more this year. On Sat. Many from our group will be eating lunch at Oark. so maybe we will see you there We usually get there around 1 pm, but being 70-80 100 miles into a dual sport ride you never know when for sure. We found a great little place to eat in Catalpa, you guys might want to try. It's located about 2-3 miles east of Oark on the same road as Oark. Maybe One year we can join the groups together somehow. There is a Motorcycle friendly motel located in the old Dogpatch amusement Park that would hold a large group. It's located 8 miles north of Jasper Ark. Plenty of Dual sport and Dirt bike type stuff

I will miss not riding with your group, David H

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 15 Dec 2007 09:28
by Hank Moody
If it matters the 4,5, and 6th is better for me.

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 15 Dec 2007 09:32
by Stu
The 4th~6th is good for me as well. Could we consider a "universal" ride for street, DS and dirt for next year? It is really pretty down there. If so, road and DS riders might perfer a date when more is in bloom. Dirt riders seem to like dirt at any time of the year.


Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 15 Dec 2007 18:14
by Hank Moody
We have usually done two rides a year in the area, one around April 1st and another the end of September or October. Having a large group for the fall ride sounds like fun! There are plenty of roads down there for the larger DS/rode bikes to have a lot of fun on.

Dang I'm already looking forward to this ride :lol:

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 16 Dec 2007 12:08
by troy
I think it's easy to argue that Arkansas has some of the best riding no matter what kind of motorcycle style you choose. Then again, I have not ridden too many states.

David H, thanks for the info about the hub. I hope that place does well. It's nice to see people making a living around a passion like motorcycle riding.

David H, I have heard that Catalpa cafe is a good one. I also heard the old man that owns it is famous for his pies and in fact the pies offered for desert at the Oark Cafe are made by the Catalpa man.

Multiple smaller rides will work better for everyone. Here is why:
  • A smaller group draws less attention from the Forest Service
  • A smaller group draws less attention from the locals
  • Smaller groups have more lodging options
  • Multiple rides allow more people to find an opportunity in their schedule to join at least one ride
  • Less chance for bike breakdowns. It's a numbers game. Sure, anybody's bike may break at anytime. But the more bikes you have on the ride, the greater the odds that somebody is going to breakdown causing the whole group to stop. Of course, the more bikes and riders you have, the greater the chance somebody will have the parts and skill to repair the problem. There is a balance somewhere in there.
  • And last but definitely not least, the smaller the group, the less likely to have miss-communications on the trail and personality conflicts in general.
David H's Hillbilly ride has grown into the size of the FCT just a few years ago. Something for everyone!

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 18 Dec 2007 09:45
by MoRidin
Guys lets shoot for the 2008 April Fools Ride for April 4-6!

I have a few more weeks of this crap, then can focus a bit on riding. If we want to do a repeat of the ride a couple years ago, it will be a breeze to set up. Food, lodging and routes are all pretty turn-key.

We have some excellent routes put together and have more than enough to keep everyone smiling for three days. I for one did not get to ride the final day's ride the last big April ride so I am really looking forward to that one! Hopefully Troy & Mike can lead the way!

I will order some new parts and spruce up the old 400 a bit. I REALLY want a new bike but KTM is waiting 'til 09 on EFI, so I will wait. Sorry Boob Man...cant ride a yellow and blue bike! I also threw a tag and lights on the 200 for the days when the 400 is too much!

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 18 Dec 2007 10:01
by Stu
April 4-6 sounds good to me!


Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 18 Dec 2007 22:01
by safiri
MoRidin wrote:I also threw a tag and lights on the 200 for the days when the 400 is too much!
If'n your 400 RFS / EXC is too much, then my 400 LC4 will definitely be too much! I guess I had better bring my Trek mountain bike. :D

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 19 Dec 2007 07:40
by Hank Moody
MoRidin wrote:Sorry Boob Man...cant ride a yellow and blue bike!
You know Husqvarna has red and white color schemes too??? Boob Man, can I help it that my wife is supportive of my motorcycle riding and likes Huskys. :D To bad KTM has to follow Husqvarna again with the EFI, I hear that Yamaha has a 250 that will have EFI for 2008.

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 28 Dec 2007 08:19
by Hank Moody
Has anyone contacted the Mulberry Mountain Lodge to see if the place is available???


Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 28 Dec 2007 10:55
by troy
Hank Moody wrote:Has anyone contacted the Mulberry Mountain Lodge to see if the place is available???
I just got off the phone with the lodge. All the properties are available for Friday, April 4 and Saturday April 5 (leaving on Sunday) as of right now.

The "Lodge", which is fantastic, sleeps 18 with room for plenty more with air beds, etc. This place is enormous -- over 5,000 square feet and nicer than my home.

$375/night up to 6 people. $40/head per night up to 18. So 18 people would be $855/night or about $95 for 2 nights per person. Also, they require $50 deposit per rider that you get back at the end of your stay if you did not do donuts in their driveway, lawns, ride wheelies across the field, etc. Basically, save the stunts for the trails, guys. (Daryl, this means you, too.)

Alternatively, the Star 1 & 2 cabins sleep combined up to 14. Star 1 sleeps 4 at $165/night. Star 2 sleeps 10 at $265/night.

The nice thing about the Lodge is the huge amounts of common space for us all to hang out, dine, etc.

Let's get plans going.

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 02:16
by MoRidin
Greetings ride brothers!

All this talk has got me itching to ride. Weather be damned as soon as I get home the bikes are coming out of the garage.

Troy see if you can work out a three night deal with the big lodge for $1500...that would be eaiser on us to figure out. I am guessing we will have 12-15 maybe? I need to call the Ohio possee and see if they want to make the trip again as they had a blast down here last time.

My laptop got nicked a while back so I will have to lean on you Troy for routes. I am pretty sure we can run a few of the old routes as getting lost is half the fun.

Counting the days now...



Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 18:11
by Stu
Is it time to start getting a head count, and deposits, Troy? I would suggest that head counts include a deposit on the lodging, etc. If so, to whom should the checks go and how much down should we put on it?


Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 18:29
by Hank Moody
Count me in!

Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 18:43
by Stu
Well, Hank, count me in as well, and be prepared to have your 510 challenged by my 510 (a 525 by name).


Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 29 Dec 2007 23:16
by Hayden
Im in and I will see your 510, 525 and raise you a 650. :mrgreen:


Re: Ark Ride Mar 29-30, Ap 5-6

Posted: 30 Dec 2007 06:49
by safiri
Some more interest:

Once I get clearance from the spouse and infant I will give a yeah or neah. I'm pretty sure I will be there with my little ol' 400 to pull the 650 out of the mud. :D