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Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 21 Oct 2007 12:30
by carlrf
I would be up to going to this if I can find one or two persons to split expenses with. Would like to leave anytime this coming Thursday. I can haul two bikes (mine and one other) and one other person in my Tacoma extended cab or take the minivan and I think I can round up a trailer for two or three others. Let me know soon if interested. Check this link for info.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 21 Oct 2007 15:01
by katbeanz
Hey Carl, I was planning on going and probably camping at the Spadra park. I was planning on just riding the adventure loops. I'm pretty sure Gordon and Ian are going on their stroms and I think Lee/Overlander will be there too. I haven't sent any $$'s for the banquet, I just want to ride.
My truck is going to be pretty full with camping gear but I'd be interested in riding with you on the trails. Dean
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 21 Oct 2007 19:23
by carlrf
katbeanz wrote:Hey Carl, I was planning on going and probably camping at the Spadra park. I was planning on just riding the adventure loops............. Dean
Sounds like fun and it would be great to ride with you again. However I am not sure I am up to camping. I have most of the stuff needed except that extra energy/motivation. Probably not going to make it if I don't find someone to at least split the costs with, but...................?
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 22 Oct 2007 20:37
by iyeager
Yeah, Gordon and I are leaving on Friday morning to ride down there. We'll be riding pavement 95% of the time. We're camping at Spadra too. Dean when you showing up? You want to save a spot for Gordo and I, or the other way around if we get there before you? Supposedly you can't reserve spots in AR for some crazy reason.
See you guys there.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 23 Oct 2007 15:02
by JaySoy
By some chance, my brother and I are riding out Friday morning down to Chadwick to meet another small group of riders. What route are you taking down?
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 23 Oct 2007 19:20
by iyeager
Out of Belton at 9:00, south on 71 to 7 to 13 to Springfield. We're meeting another Strom in Collins at 10:30. Lunch in Crane at Ole Hickory Steak and Catfish House. Southeast from Crane to the Bull Shoals ferry by way of 413, 160, and 125. Meander south on AR7 and 123 to Clarksville. Set up camp, drink beer, sleep, wake up, ride curvy roads, repeat.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 23 Oct 2007 19:34
by katbeanz
iyeager wrote:Yeah, Gordon and I are leaving on Friday morning to ride down there. We'll be riding pavement 95% of the time. We're camping at Spadra too. Dean when you showing up? You want to save a spot for Gordo and I, or the other way around if we get there before you? Supposedly you can't reserve spots in AR for some crazy reason.
See you guys there.
Sure thing Ian, I am thinking about heading down thursday midday. I can't get a vacation day for thursday but have one for friday and monday. I just put on new chain and sprockets and a new rear tire. I hope we can have a campfire, if not I'm taking a two burner mr heater.
I'll have a couple extra chairs. Dean
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 24 Oct 2007 18:18
by iyeager
Cool, we probably don't need three campsites for the three of us. I figure with two campsites we'll feel like kings. My tent's tiny, and Gordon's ain't that big either.
I'm hoping for a fire as well, it's gonna be chilly at night.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 07:52
by Hank Moody
Any update guys??? Ride report or pictures???
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 08:05
by troy
A friend of mine from Iowa drove 14 hours round trip for 3.5 hours of riding! Doh! He got down there, started a ride, and soon after ended up with oil squirting out from his engine on every revolution of the piston on his DR650. Apparently it's a gasket that is relatively common to start leaking on the DR650s. He packed it up and went back home.

Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 11:56
by carlrf
Didn't go!
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 12:46
by kchusky
Saw a group of about 20 bikes go by us as we gassed up in Russellville. Didn't end up with the dinner group Sat. We rode Fri and Sat out at Brock Creek. Weather was perfect, a light rain Fri. morning keep the dust down. Single track all day long it was great.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 12:55
by troy
kchusky, glad to hear you got to do the Brock Creek stuff. Yeah, that's a bit of a drive from the Clarksville FCT group. Too far to just swing by for dinner when there's good riding to be had!
When I rode Brock Creek, the single-track was brand new, and I found it to be more than I wanted--that is, all first gear, banging handlebars as you thread between trees, picking your way very slow and careful. I like that, but not mile after mile. Now the ATV trails at Brock Creek were wonderful.
Was the single-track more worn in now? Or do you just really enjoy that kind of stuff? (I'm jealous!)
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 13:14
by kchusky
I've been riding there for about five years, usally go down about four to five times a year during the fall and winter

. I rode my 525 and 200, the 200 is my favorite to ride down there. The trails are a bit more worked in but half the time you have to look pretty hard to see where they are. I looked at one point and we were running about a 15.9 speed avg. Ya, I like that stuff. Not quite as rough as some stuff in Colorado but less than half the drive. Troy if you go there again find the hinden trail called "Copperhead" it's kind of hard the first time but do it a few times and it will still challenge you.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 13:29
by troy
kchusky wrote:Troy if you go there again find the hinden trail called "Copperhead" it's kind of hard the first time but do it a few times and it will still challenge you.
Sounds great! Can I borrow your 200?!

Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 13:35
by kchusky
Troy wrote:Sounds great! Can I borrow your 200?
You would not like it, it's too light, fast and nimble.. hehehe

Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 18:07
by katbeanz
troy wrote:A friend of mine from Iowa drove 14 hours round trip for 3.5 hours of riding! Doh! He got down there, started a ride, and soon after ended up with oil squirting out from his engine on every revolution of the piston on his DR650. Apparently it's a gasket that is relatively common to start leaking on the DR650s. He packed it up and went back home.

I met your buddy SedmoSam or SonofSam, something like that.

Nice guy, I was frantically trying to get ready since I had nearly overslept saturday morning when he walked up and introduced himself.
I got to ride with a couple of the guys who do much of the work at Brock Creek. I shared my campspot, food and likker with jgas, Jeff Gaston and rode with him friday and his buddy Devro joined us saturday. Them boys is FAST, I think Devro used to ride National Hare Scrambles and Jeff still races. They're a couple of the nicest guys you'd ever hope to meet. I had my hands full keeping up and was thankful they were just out on a pleasure ride.
Re: Ozark Fall Colors Tour Next Weekend Last Minute Invite
Posted: 30 Oct 2007 21:59
by Rich
SonofSam - Very funny!

You were in a hurry. I did over-sleep because it was a little noisy most of the night!! You know, the train and all.
From your other post it looks like you have a little maintenance to perform this winter as well. I checked out There is a poll there that a guy is moderating to see how many people with DR650's between 1996 and 2004 have the same issue. Looks like a lot. In my business this would be RECALL territory. I also found a few posts from guys that used some kind off gasket maker and it stopped the leak for quite a while. If I had been thinking I could have done that and enjoyed the weekend a little more. Oh well, live and learn.
Nice meeting you too, by the way. Hope to ride with you sometime.