Head 2 Holt - Sunday 10/14
Posted: 13 Oct 2007 18:13
Head 2 Holt, Missouri for lunch on Sunday, October 14th.
10:30 - Meet at MotorcycleCloseouts (8111 N Oak Trafficway) if you want to ride to Holt as a group. We'll take the long way around Smithville Lake. All bikes welcome.
12:00 - Lunch in Holt @ Dolly's Diner. Cash only. ATM nearby.
Check http://www.Head2Holt.com for details and a map.
Note: I will not be able to attend this time, but that shouldn't keep you away. Heck, some may consider it a bonus.
10:30 - Meet at MotorcycleCloseouts (8111 N Oak Trafficway) if you want to ride to Holt as a group. We'll take the long way around Smithville Lake. All bikes welcome.
12:00 - Lunch in Holt @ Dolly's Diner. Cash only. ATM nearby.
Check http://www.Head2Holt.com for details and a map.
Note: I will not be able to attend this time, but that shouldn't keep you away. Heck, some may consider it a bonus.