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Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 14 Sep 2007 11:52
by Closeout Rusty
Sjaak Lucassen, who has spent over 5 years traveling the world on his Yamaha R1 has returned to Kansas City for a short time. Check out to see some of the incredible places he's been. is sponsoring a presentation by Sjaak about his Extreme Adventure on Tuesday, September 25th at 7 PM in Parkville, MO.

This is the only full presentation Sjaak will be making during this visit to the USA, so you won't want to miss it - and it's FREE!

Here are the details:

When: Tuesday, September 25th 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM or later (arrive early to meet Sjaak) Note: Don’t be late or you’ll miss his exciting adventures in Africa!
Where: American Legion Hall, 11 Main Street, Parkville, MO
Food: Dinner and Drinks available from the American Legion (please support them)
Cost: FREE Admission
Souvenirs: T-shirts, Hats, Patches and Postcards available

Re: Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 20 Sep 2007 21:40
by tim
this guy is the real deal. I met him last time he was in town. This is a must see. ... _Flyer.pdf

Re: Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 21 Sep 2007 08:48
by troy
I'm going to try to be there. This sounds great!

Re: Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 21 Sep 2007 09:07
by fatburg
I saw a special a while back on this guys trip, impressive what he put that bike through.

Re: Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 21 Sep 2007 09:16
by troy
fatburg, let's ride over there together and see his presentation. Can you break away from the wife & kid that night? I'll have to beg, but I think I can. :)

Re: Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 21 Sep 2007 09:38
by fatburg
Actually I'm busy on Tuesday nights with a Parenting class at church. sorry

Re: Dual Sport R1 - 160,000 mile world tour! Meet Sjaak 9/25/07

Posted: 22 Sep 2007 09:05
by Hank Moody
Dang I want to go, but I'm a Cub Scout Den Leader and this our meeting night... Troy I want stories for the ride to Arkansas.