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Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 20 Aug 2007 19:16
by MesaLC4
KCHusky brought it up, so I'll put it out there. The "KS Dakar" from Lawrence to Atchison to White Cloud and back with a total mileage of roughly 250.
Forecast: Sunny and beautiful with a high of 88.
KC Riders: meet at 7:00 at the main entrance to Shawnee Mission Park (79th & Renner Rd.)
All Riders: meet at 8:00 at the Lawrence Burger King (I-70 & North Second St.)
Kickstands Up: 8:30
Let's Ride!!

Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 20 Aug 2007 21:29
by kchusky
See ya at 7:00....

Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 21 Aug 2007 14:21
by Hank Moody
I could meet you in Atchinson again... But that means that I have to change the oil, clean the air filter by Sunday.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 21 Aug 2007 17:37
by MesaLC4
Clean that air filter and change that oil! I need to do the same thing, actually.
Where's a good place to meet in Atchison? At the start of the River Road? I'll have to look at the route and see if we can find a spot. The bigger question is the timing. Get the KC group together, then the Lawrence group and who knows when we'll make it to Atchison. If you're flexible, then we'll make it happen.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 24 Aug 2007 17:36
by MacWildcat
Is the ride still on? Hadn't seen any posts for a few days, do we have an idea how many folks might be riding? I'm 75% in for 8/26, be a long day coming from Manhattan. If someone has the GPS route created, can you send it to me? Thanks
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 11:31
by MesaLC4
Sunday's ride is still on with possible route change.
David: do you think it will be too wet up North to ride River Road and Doniphan County?
MacWildcat: I emailed you the route. That will be a long haul from Manhattan.
Anyone else planning to join us?
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 13:39
by david h
I guess it depends how much rain they got. There are a couple of low spots that tend to hold water. We should give it a go and try our best to finish the planned route. The gravel roads will be fine, and we can just detour if needed. I edited the route to cut about 20-25 miles off the total. We don't have to ride this edited route but I would suggest we do. Getting a late start at 8 30 would put you back at Lawrence about 8 pm with the longer route. Both routes are almost the same.
Daryl, you could meet us at Easton ks, at the intersection of 231 st. and 192 highway. We should be there about 1 to 1 1/4 hrs after we start. (9:30 to 9:45). If you want Atchison to be the spot it will be harder to give you a time since there will be more miles and chances for hang ups like flats and mud. If all goes well we would be there at 11-11:30.
Wathena has a neat old fashion burger stand and we should be there by 12:00-1:00pm
Everyone should have there knobbies on or you will be sorry!
david h
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 15:11
by electrician
I am in for tomorrow, if this nasty head cold is better in the early am. Burger King @ 8:00?
I found an interesting site concerning Burger King. Go to:
Hopefully I will see you guys in the morning.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 15:42
by MesaLC4
This is starting to shape up nicely. Looks like about 6 riders if everyone shows. Looks like Atchison only got about .67" of rain so we should be fine.
David, the edited route sounds good to me. I wish we could start earlier but I don't know if that will work for everyone. Guys, post below if you want to move the start times back one hour (6 SMP & 7 Lawrence).
MesaLC4: Yes
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 16:56
by david h
either way is good for me. With the shorter route and good roads and a 830 start we would be done by 6 if all goes well. We would need to eat quickly and take fewer and shorter breaks.The way we have been picking up flats we might want to plan on another hour. I guess my vote goes for a 7:30 blast off from the Electricians favorite burger joint. I have a rider or two who might join us so I need to let them know asap the start time.
I have put together 5 short routes to get us around the snotty areas just in case.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 17:03
by kchusky
David, the edited route sounds good to me. I wish we could start earlier but I don't know if that will work for everyone. Guys, post below if you want to move the start times back one hour (6 SMP & 7 Lawrence).
If we need to ok, but not looking forward to it

. Went and rode my bicycle out to Lawrence and back today. And I'm beat right now. And I still need to mount up my new front tire. Weekends need to be longer!!!!!!
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 19:04
by Hank Moody
Sorry guys I'm out, yes I'm wipped so don't even ask... maybe next time
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 25 Aug 2007 19:28
by MesaLC4
David, we'll leave Olathe early and meet you at BK at 7:00.
Sorry you can't make it Daryl. I'm sure we'll have plenty more riding soon.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 26 Aug 2007 18:36
by MesaLC4
I don't know what to say about this one!? Five riders, five flats and about 250 miles – and we didn't even finish the route! The flats really took the wind out of our sails. Two of the flats were failed patches that basically melted off from the heat. So we called it a day after Wathena/Troy and headed back on pavement.
The weather was great, however. And the route was a blast. Looking forward to completing this one some day

We've certainly paid our dues to the puncture gods. I see a case of tubes and a mini compressor in my future.
Thanks to DavidH for leading us again. Let's purge the bad juju and try it again sometime.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 26 Aug 2007 18:54
by safiri
Daryl Perry wrote:Sorry guys I'm out, yes I'm wipped so don't even ask... maybe next time
If only I could be whipped by this:
To those that rode:
3 of us attempted a truncated KS Dakar back in January ... I had to pull a bud's bike 4 blocks with a tow rope to get it started. Then, just south of Atchison, he got two flats ... front and rear simultaneously. Yep, slowed the day down quite a bit. Glad all had fun, though.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 27 Aug 2007 07:00
by Hank Moody
Has anyone tried tire balls? I know they are expensive but no flats...
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 27 Aug 2007 14:11
by troy
Wow. This route is cursed. I rode it once with Katbeanz and his buddy Larry, and it was a blast. I've tried to do it twice since, and got beat down by mud both times. David H mentioned he's tried it many times to have it cut short.
The last time I tried it, Wathena was as far North as we made it--and that's not too far North!
Their is a special prize for those that make it all the way North. There is some free ditch weed growing next to a bridge up there. Is that freedom rock? Turn it up, dude!
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 27 Aug 2007 14:40
by kchusky
All I can say, "It was a long day" left the house at 5:45 am returned home at 6:15 pm. I'll try it again someday. I'd like to try the ride with a little bit more mud on it

Daryl Perry wrote:
Has anyone tried tire balls? I know they are expensive but no flats...
My riding buddys are dealers and didn't recommend using tire balls for DS'ing. My understanding is they don't like the heat that is generated at highway speeds and pop. Moose extra heavy duty tubes were recommended. Which I'm going to go get next weekend (Greg I'll pick one up to replace the one I borrowed, unless you want yours back

Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 27 Aug 2007 16:21
by MesaLC4
Look what just showed up at my house!! Sure could have used these yesterday.
Pat, no problem on the tube. Just bring it along next time we ride. We'll undoubtedly need it!
I question the foam inserts and ball inserts as well. As hot as these things get I sure wouldn't want a failure at highway speeds. But then again, a tube failure may not be much better. I just want to know where all of these nails are coming from. Falling off of farm trucks I guess.
Pat, we need to firm up plans for the Stampede. I'm thinking trailer down and camp.
Re: Ride Sunday – "KS Dakar" – 8-26-07
Posted: 27 Aug 2007 16:55
by troy
Oh didn't let David H lead again did you?! It's the oldest trick in the book, and David is the master. He likes to "lead" so he can sprinkle nails off the back of his bike just to watch you guys change tires. I bet he acted all innocent didn't he! He's an evil bastard!