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Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 15 Aug 2007 13:45
by The Harm
Forecast calls for a hi of 87 degrees and 30% chance of rain this Sunday. So by my calculations there's a 70% chance of nice weather to ride in. Anyone want to hook up for a ride??
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 15 Aug 2007 13:53
by MesaLC4
I'd like to ride Sunday. Depends on how much self control I exercise Saturday night
What do you have in mind?
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 15 Aug 2007 17:54
by The Harm
Maybe the Ks Dakar, or the west lawrence loop.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 15 Aug 2007 21:31
by kchusky
I might be up for that. Dirt, gravel any of that asphalt stuff

? How far?
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 13:31
by The Harm
Dirt!! YES Gravel !!! YES!!! Slab as little as possible!!!
I'd say 150 miles or so in to 8-9 ish to early afternoon 2ish.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 16:56
by kchusky
So, where abouts do you want to meet?
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 18:00
by The Harm
I live in Lawrence, Where abouts would be a good place to meet??
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 18:15
by kchusky
You pick the spot. I'll be coming in to Lawrence from the South, out of Olathe.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 18:24
by MesaLC4
I'm gonna try to make this one. KCHusky is down the street from me and we could motor over to Lawrence to meet you. West loop would be great counter clockwise as I haven't ridden the Northern section yet.
KS Dakar would be fine too. I'm open.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 16 Aug 2007 19:59
by david h
I will try to join you boys. With the heat the way it is we should try to start very early. You guys from KC will have the longest ride to the start, so when can you get here? The Harm, unless you are gonna be smoking the roads you will average about 20/25 miles per hour counting stops , breaks, and a bite to eat. I will be on the KLX400.
David h
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 17 Aug 2007 22:13
by The Harm
lets try burger king just south of I 70 say 8:30 ish??? If we're gonna ride the west lawrence loop counter clockwise. I don't know if I'll be up for the enter loop but at least a good portion of it.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 17 Aug 2007 22:25
by kchusky
That will work for me. Looking forward to it

. MesaLC4 you going to make it???? Anybody else going to jump in?
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 17 Aug 2007 23:21
by MesaLC4
Yep, I'm planning on it. Burger King at 8:30 will work. and I will have to leave around 7:30 or so to make it by gravel. I'll give you a call Saturday.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 08:59
by jsherm01
I'm planning on making this one. I'll be on a KLX.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 09:31
by kchusky
jsherm01, I have not heard from mesaLC4 yet. But, I'm sure you could meet up with us in Olathe in the morning and we could ride out to Lawrence as group.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 09:56
by david h
I will be there with 1 or 2 other riders. I would suggest we change the ride slightly in a couple of spots. when we did this ride last time we ran into a lot of closed/torn down bridges. Last year we had lunch in St. Marys. I'm gearing up and exited for this one.
David h
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 10:14
by jsherm01
kchusky wrote:jsherm01, I have not heard from mesaLC4 yet. But, I'm sure you could meet up with us in Olathe in the morning and we could ride out to Lawrence as group.
Sounds great, just let me know the location. Just finished taking off the motard wheels/fitting the dirt wheels and checking tool kit.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 10:32
by kchusky
Will do..
jsherm01 wrote:
Just finished taking off the motard wheels/fitting the dirt wheels and checking tool kit.
Motar tires/wheels, I'm jealous

. I hope to get a motar setup next spring.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 11:07
by MesaLC4
This is going to be a great ride! Glad to see the group growing.
JSherm/KCHusky: we may want to take the Northern route to Lawrence from Bonner. JSHerm, we can meet you anywhere between Olathe and Bonner (see below) and then head West.
KCHusky: We can slab it to Bonner, or meet a little earlier and take some backroads.
Re: Who's riding this Sunday???
Posted: 18 Aug 2007 11:26
by kchusky
Going North is ok. Where do you want to setup the meeting point at?