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Re: Fall Bird Farm Trail ride Oct. 23 ,2021
Posted: 07 Nov 2021 20:18
by gagnaou
It was a great time, we thoroughly enjoyed it! Leonce was a little apprehensive about getting back on the bike after a broken leg, but everything went perfectly!
Re: Fall Bird Farm Trail ride Oct. 23 ,2021
Posted: 09 Nov 2021 09:30
by OHjim
Thanks for opening up your property for us. I had a great time even though my learning curve was huge.
Troy - thanks for hanging back with me, showing the "easy" way....
I learned a lot and found that it truly is "mostly mental"....... I did stuff I never thought I would and probably never would have done if on my own without encouragement and guidance from the group.
Re: Fall Bird Farm Trail ride Oct. 23 ,2021
Posted: 10 Nov 2021 12:40
by hbadventure
Jim are you the guy on the green 250? That we we gangbusters on your first time out? If so, you did great! your a good sport. Sorry we didn't know it was a first run buddy!
Re: Fall Bird Farm Trail ride Oct. 23 ,2021
Posted: 10 Nov 2021 23:32
by OHjim
Yeah - that's me. I guess I should have told you all up front, but what fun would there be in that?

Re: Fall Bird Farm Trail ride Oct. 23 ,2021
Posted: 11 Nov 2021 22:41
by bird man
Jim , I was quite alarmed when I was told it was your first time on trails and felt badly , I have been in similar situations before and I never wanted to be a person who contributed to anyone being in situation you found yourself. Sorry ,glad you were a good sport. You did quite well and learned off road skills quickly. The evidence of a good rider. Hope you will come ride with us again sometime.