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Riding gravel and two track from Emporia to Alma then to Scraton
Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:50
by Creekside
Here is a shot near the tall grass praire area south of Council Grove. This was last sunday. We spent most of the time avoiding rain to the west and north. Great day for 400 mile trip.
Box Turtle is offically closed, its got a gate on it now.

Re: Riding gravel and two track from Emporia to Alma then to Scraton
Posted: 24 Aug 2020 08:54
by troy
A 400 mile day on gravel is a BIG day!

Box Turtle gated off now? It's called "progress".

Re: Riding gravel and two track from Emporia to Alma then to Scraton
Posted: 24 Aug 2020 09:08
by Creekside
"400 miles of gravel!" well, we did -35 down to emporia, and 56 back from Scranton. I ain't that crazy! I was expecting some rough roads west of the tall grass area up 177 but not so. Didnt really hit anything rough until up by Alma.
It's a bummer to see how many good roads get fences. Waiting for places like Little Egypt, Rockton, and others near Alma or Council Grove to get closed.
If any of you have never done Little Egypt you mud but lots and lots of rocks. Its like a quick visit to Arkansas forest roads. Just west of Alma between Bluestem and Illinois Creek about right off 4.