The ride Last Sat. that greenboots, Dave Hemphill, and I did was a very good time. Hemphill knows the route from memory (box turtle road, creek crossings, other unmaintained county roads) and it is best to go with him. The gravel roads outside of Eskridge are a blast. Very little in life is as true and real as 80+mph on gravel.
It would be great to organize more people for rides out of Lawrence.
Agreed! Last year, I was able to ride about every posted Lawrence ride led by either Hemphill or Greenhoot. Safiri (KC-based) even led his own loop around Lawrence--excellent.
You are right--Dave knows the roads! I try to urge people that it's very much worth the haul or ride to Lawrence to make these rides. Even on my little DR350, I would take off before dawn and ride to Lawrence to be there for the ride. Not very many KC-based riders were willing to make the trip, but it's worth it! Even after the ride, I enjoyed the solo ride back to KC. A few times it meant leaving before the sun came up and getting home just after the sun went down--but I pulled into my garage with a sore bottom and a big, dusty smile!
Usually, if you ask around, you can find somebody to haul your bike if you really don't want to ride there.
Likewise, we have some guys over in Topeka that know some good routes and lead a ride from time to time. Our good friend Macwildcat over in Lawrence can show you some good roads, too.
All, this forum is your tool. It's main purpose is to be a communication tool for organizing rides. If you are leading a ride, be sure to post about it here and enter the ride date so it will show up on the calendar.
I swear officer----- I was only going 55. Heck the way Dave Ogle writes this ride up has me thinking, I thought I was following them.
We rode thru about 1 mile of sticky clay late in the day with the stuff building up big time on the wheels. Chris said right over that hill is solid road bed ( about 200 yards) , we are thru the bad part and all will be smooth sailing from there on. BULLSHIT, I crested that hill to see several mud boggs and no gravel, just MUD for the next mile. If you ride with Chris just beware of the conditions and act accordingly. A great day was had by all!
I'd have tried to make that ride but didn't see it until too late. I haven't been on a gravel ride in a long time. The Eskridge/Alma area is a good choice as it has many curvy/winding roads with lots of elevation changes.
Try to catch you guys next time.