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Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 08 Nov 2014 19:43
by KC
Another fantastic day of family riding at Luc's :!:
Thank you to the Hostess for the delicious chili w/ Fritos on top.
Those giant logs in the pasture were a good, fun challenge. I think my seat slapped me in the arse a few times while jumping over them because I feel it in my spine all the way up to my neck. I will be hanging on my inversion table here as soon as I get off the computer. :D

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 08:55
by Savage
Nice landing on the newly suspended CRF80.

I guess this is how we park.

Kyle throwin' dirt.

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 06:52
by safiri
Thanks to all for a great Saturday!
Luc: Nice new trail additions.
Kira: Great to meet you and thanks for the prep effort. And letting us use your horse pasture.
Savage: Great photo. Hope you don't mind, but I downloaded it.

On the way home I asked Lars if he had a good day. He said the day was "ok".
"What was bad?" "The riding."
"What was good?" "The riding."
When I dropped him off at mom's house at 730pm, he was eager to tell her about his day riding. Hmm, I think that means more good than bad. Stubborn little cuss.

Until next time!

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 07:08
by Savage
Here's a little video of the day. :)

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 11 Nov 2014 10:47
by HanesAnizer
Nice the kid cam!

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 08:09
by gagnaou
It was great to have you guys here!

I am glad to see how the little ones had fun! It is amazing to see how much 6 months did to their bike's skills. Gavin, Griffin and LĂ©once did the outside "hard" loop and we only had to help a few times!

As usual thanks for the video Quinton, this is awesome!!!

I attempted to record a lot of the day on my camera as well, but somehow it corrupted the files and I cannot retrieve them. Makes me mad!!! :evil:

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 17:28
by Savage
Ya I didn't know he did the tougher section until later on. I wish I would have been along to see it. Did he navigate through the rocks? Did he crash much? Makes me nervous thinking about it. :)

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 20:02
by KC
Do you have any more pics from the day on PhotoBucket?? Just curious...I know there must be a lot more good photos taken of the action.

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 20:42
by Savage
She took quite a few pics and most of them were pretty good. Some of them I have edited to make them look better. I won't upload them all to PB though. You want me to email the ones of you?

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 21:21
by Savage
Just did these. Original and Edited.



Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 21:24
by Savage


Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 21:38
by gagnaou
Savage wrote:Ya I didn't know he did the tougher section until later on. I wish I would have been along to see it. Did he navigate through the rocks? Did he crash much? Makes me nervous thinking about it. :)
Yes he did it like a champ, from memory he only crashed going through the creek (he went straight into the tree ahead of him) Robert, did a great job coachinng him through the rest of the difficulties that there was no picking up bikes involved if I remember right.

Now check underneath the frame ;-) because when he went up the rocks by the fence, there was no hesitation and the softer suspensions had him scrub a few rocks.

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 13 Nov 2014 06:28
by safiri
Thanks for the photos. Makes me smile.

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 13 Nov 2014 06:33
by KC
Savage said:
You want me to email the ones of you?
:shock: Ha! I am not quite that self-centered! I keep a 4G flash drive on my truck keychain so I can grab pictures in times like this...but I always seem to forget that I have it. :oops: No worries.

Re: Sat Nov 8th 3rd Manhattan fun ride (for all ages)

Posted: 13 Nov 2014 07:11
by Savage
Here's a couple older ones

