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Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 11 Jun 2014 07:14
by troy

Dual Sport Riders / Goin' Gravel Again

Sunday June 29, 2014 Flint Hills Dual Sport Ride

Meeting Place: Free State High School, 4700 Overland Drive, Lawrence, KS

Departure time: Saddle up at 9:00 am tanks full & ready to rock!

Route: 180 mile loop through the Kansas Flint Hills. Be ready for a full day in the saddle.

Re: Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 15:49
by Stu
DS emphasis (only gravel)? Off-road emphasis (i.e., knobbies)? Hard surface speeds (above 60~65 MPH)? Gas up points (half way or less)? Take a lunch or get something on the way?

Free State HS is only about 5 blocks from my house.


Re: Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 16:16
by phil denk
Stu, From my experience, Mark's rides have few "technical" sections. Pavement speeds are usually the posted limit (55-60) and lunch and gas are figured in. Basically, a nice ride in the country...........

Re: Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 23 Jun 2014 19:41
by Harvey Mushman
Isn't Free State over by Walmart on hwy 40 on the west side of Lawrence?

Re: Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 24 Jun 2014 21:04
by Stu
Yes. And they have speed bumps so ride your dirt bike with care. Wouldn't want you to get tossed off your saddle.


Re: Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 01 Jul 2014 21:00
by firepiper
No comments on this ride? Good times, there was a few problems. I had fun and that's all that counts. I'm ready for another one. I'm a racer and Mark said this wasn't a race, I was a little disappointed. Sorry for H. Mushman and Dan if I accidently roosted you on the corners. I thought we were flattracking for some reason.

Re: Sun Jun 29: Dell's Flint Hills Dual Sport

Posted: 02 Jul 2014 06:09
by Harvey Mushman
There's always one guy in the group that just can't behave and before you know it, they send the "hallway monitor" back to keep an eye on you. :mrgreen: Mark had a great route and carried a good pace. Talking with Jim L' is always a blast from the past. Wabunsee county + a Dual Sport + good guys = Good times.