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2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 14:26
by bird man
The weather is great and the roads and trails are likewise. I just got back from a ride on my woods trails thinking..... I would like to share these again with my friends.
While conditions are good I would like to host another ride similar to last year.
For those of you who have not been here ,we have 4-5 miles of woods trails along the creeks running through our farm. Most of them are groomed (w/brushcutter) and a few just paths or pick your way through the woods. It can be challenging or easy depending on speed and where you decide to go. I have easy bypasses for any of the difficult spots. The creeks are not as dry as last year but dry enough to do a lot of the challenging creek crossing. If you like mud ....well there is that too. Side note....I have ridden these trails with bikes as large as a 650, for me they are more fun on somthing smaller. If you only want to only bring one bike I personally would not be concerned at all riding a non tagged bike to either lunch location.
Last year we rode trails a while and then did a backroads ride to lunch. We can do that again if you all like. I am open to what ever those present want to do. The lunch at LeRoy is a good option or Charlie Browns in Mildred is not out of reach and good backroads to and from both places.
I am open to almost any time in the next month or so. In fact we can do the ride more than once to acommodate more riders. Let me know when you want to ride I am ready. This coming weekend is not to soon for me.
I am on my way now to go ride them again and record it on the gps and save it in map source (if I can figure it all out)
Since not matter how I try I can't get a pic posted here is a link to some pics of last years ride. ... aDQgZPQ8QE#

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 19:46
by Jeff K
Hi Birdman, This sounds like a good time! I haven't seen you since the Hillbilly, and it would be good to see you again. My 2 sons are both interested in bringing their dual sports too, but they have to wait and see what school throws at them. So, I'm watching to see what others find for a good weekend, and hoping to join in. Thanks for this generous offer! Jeff

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 06 Oct 2013 21:45
by troy
My vote is for Oct 20.

I've been thinking about you, the birds, and your trails, Larry! Thanks for your generous offer to let folks come ride again! I always have fun riding your trails!

The cool weather must have everyone thinking of riding! Between this offer from Larry, this offer from Luc, and the TARKC Fall ride, we've got some great trails to ride!

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 06:44
by phil denk
Sounds great Larry ! The 20th would work for me also.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 07 Oct 2013 18:31
by 3SuperSports
I need to get my 690 off-road before the weather gets too bad.
So far there are no problems with Oct. 20 for me.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 11 Oct 2013 11:25
by JasonK94Z
I suppose I better knock the mothballs off my bike and come out there this year. Its been awhile since I've ridden.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 14 Oct 2013 20:14
by bird man
Looks like we have some riders for the 20th. I am available both 19th and 20th so if you can or want to come on the 19th let me know and we can ride then to.
Was on the trails yesterday doing "trail maintance" and general checking ,they were in perfect condition. We have only had a couple 10ths today so if we don't get a lot tonight by the weekend they will be in great shape not to wet and not to dry. The woods a very pleasant this time of year and the trees are just starting to change color.
I can be ready to go as early as 9AM either or both days.
I think we will use ride waivers this year. I have some blank forms if you need one.
The forcast is good so it should be an ideal weekend for riding.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 10:17
by Jeff K
We'll see you on the 20th. I think there will be 2-3 of us in the pickup/trailer. Thanks again for the offer! Jeff

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 10:23
by troy
I plan to come down Sun, too. I may only be in for the trail riding, though. I might bring a cooler with my lunch. Ride the trails, eat some lunch, ride the trails some more.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 11:01
by bird man
I'll be going by Charley Browns market tomorrow , I can pick up deli meat and cheese and we can have sandwiches at the farm. Having sandwiches at the farm will be great with me. It will give us more time to ride trails and do a farm tour for those who would like. If you plan to be here confirm and I will get the needed supplies.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 11:21
by troy
I'm IN. I'll bring a bag of chips and $5 towards the lunch supplies.

I'm hoping to bring a friend or 2 for the trails.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 11:33
by bird man
OK ,I will pick up the supplies and it is lunch at the farm. If some one else could bring a bag of chips also. I'll get the meat ,cheese ,bread and etc. for the sandwiches.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 12:53
by Savage
I would like to come ride with the infamous Jeff K but we are having my daughter B-day party that day.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 13:18
by Jeff K
Savage, I always wanted to be infamous, but I just don't have the skills. We have a spot in the pickup/trailer for you, but you clearly have a BETTER offer. Tell your family I say hi!

I'll bring a bag of chips, some cash, and in your honor Savage, a liter a Cola.


Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 18:20
by phil denk
Spooned on some new 606's, carb is still acting funky but it's running. We'll be there for Sunday. I'll load up a couple of coolers with water, pop and Gatorade.

Larry, it's been a while since I visited your place. Being old and forgetful, I'm afraid I'll need some directions...

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 21:49
by gagnaou
Would love to come but it looks like I will be on the other side of the state. It looks like fun, I am sure that you guys will have a bunch of fun!

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 15 Oct 2013 21:52
by bird man
Anyone who need directions or wants a gps map of the trails call me .
785 four eight 9 2 four one one

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 07:39
by troy
bird man wrote:I'll be going by Charley Browns market tomorrow , I can pick up deli meat and cheese and we can have sandwiches at the farm. Having sandwiches at the farm will be great with me. It will give us more time to ride trails and do a farm tour for those who would like. If you plan to be here confirm and I will get the needed supplies.
THANKS, Larry!

Coming with me:
  • Troy (me)
  • Kyle (kc, my brother)
  • Mike (bro-in-law)
  • Dan (my neighbor)
I'm working on a few others, too. :D

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 19:17
by bird man
Today I picked up 4 kinds of meat and 3 kinds of cheese for our sandwiches. The plan is to have fresh baked bread to build our sandwiches on.

Re: 2nd annual trails and gravel roads ride.

Posted: 16 Oct 2013 20:32
by Rick
Kim and I will bring some kind of dessert.
