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Posted: 30 Apr 2007 18:04
by Hayden
Roger and I had this conversation the other day about the RR tracks. He stated that the RR owns the tracks for 1 year after abandonment then the land owners have an option to buy the land back. If they dont, RR remains owner.
Posted: 30 Apr 2007 20:43
by Hank Moody
I will share some wisdom I received from an inmate when I worked in a Federal prison. "You can do anything you want, as long as you don't get caught".
He was doing 20 years for bank robbery, he got caught.
Mike I hope your hand gets better. Note to all riders, gas stations are dangerous so use extrem caution.
Posted: 01 May 2007 07:16
by safiri
Daryl Perry wrote:I will share some wisdom I received from an inmate when I worked in a Federal prison. "You can do anything you want, as long as you don't get caught".
He was doing 20 years for bank robbery, he got caught.
Mike I hope your hand gets better. Note to all riders, gas stations are dangerous so use extrem caution.
The "don't get caught" was high on my mind when I suggested to Tracy that we take a different route back, rather than the ROW in reverse. I figured the first time the 12 guages were getting grabbed, the 2nd time they would be locked and loaded.
The hand is better. I couldn't hold the steering wheel with my left hand on the drive to KC. Some vitamin I and a night's sleep helped it. The entire fall was in slo-mo, as my forward momentum and stopped foot didn't work together so well. Thankfully I still had on my kneed pads.
Sunday I replaced a fork seal, again. While there, I checked and my front wheel bearings are notchy. Of course Excel uses some obscure bearing that OReilly, NAPA, and Autozone don't carry. Found some guy in Minnesota on line that sells kits (bearings and seals) for $20 for the front. I will post more info once I get the kit and can comment on its quality.
Posted: 01 May 2007 07:36
by Hank Moody
safiri wrote:Sunday I replaced a fork seal, again. While there, I checked and my front wheel bearings are notchy. Of course Excel uses some obscure bearing that OReilly, NAPA, and Autozone don't carry. Found some guy in Minnesota on line that sells kits (bearings and seals) for $20 for the front. I will post more info once I get the kit and can comment on its quality.
Photos or video of the procedure would be really cool for us who are mechanically challenged.

Posted: 01 May 2007 17:47
by Hayden
Did you change fork seals when you got back from CO?
Posted: 02 May 2007 14:49
by safiri
Hayden wrote:Did you change fork seals when you got back from CO?
I changed the left one after CO last summer.
This time the right one was leaking. I don't think I changed it after CO ...
I checked the fork tube and all is smooth.
Posted: 05 May 2007 13:15
by safiri
I split the DIY Fork Seal stuff into a Rider's Lounge Thread:
(In case you wondered where the other replies went to.)