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Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 27 Sep 2012 21:20
by allkidd
My son has fall break (I never got a Fall break?) the 2nd week of October so we will be in Chadwick Oct. 11-14. I've never spent 4 consecutive days in Chadwick so I'm making a big assumption that my body will endure 4 days of this type riding! I know most of you have to work at least part of that time but if anybody wants to come down for some of the time will be staying in the Cobb Ridge campground.

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 28 Sep 2012 09:36
by kendall_smith
I'll see you down there. A group of buddies and I have had our fall Chadwick trip planned for that weekend for a couple of months now. We're staying in loop B in two spots that are right next to each other.

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 28 Sep 2012 11:59
by stimmer6253472
I might be coming down this weekend. So if I make it I will try and hunt you guys down for a ride.

It is really the only weekend I have open to ride until November. So I am going to miss all of the other rides. I can't complain though. I will be riding in Europe the last couple weeks of October. Hoping to get down in the Swiss Alps for at least part of the time. Sounds better than Disney, OK anyways :D .

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 28 Sep 2012 14:57
by allkidd
kendall_smith wrote:I'll see you down there. A group of buddies and I have had our fall Chadwick trip planned for that weekend for a couple of months now. We're staying in loop B in two spots that are right next to each other.
Sounds already know the spot you are staying...can you make reservations? Guess I better do that to make sure I get some electricity.

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 28 Sep 2012 15:40
by stimmer6253472
Allkid... I was down there a couple weeks ago on a perfect weekend for riding and no one was there. The forest service guy said there was only one spot reservered for that weekend. When I arrived Friday late morning I was the only person in the whole campground. We counted and Saturday evening there was only 10 camping spots in use. I was told there has been no one down there all summer. I know it has been hot this summer but he said even during the nice weekends no one was down there. I have been going to Chadwick since I was a kid and it was the first time ever that we did not run into a single other rider on the trails. It was almost spooky how dead the place was.

Don't let me talk you out of reserving a spot but it looks like it isn't needed unless you want a specific researvable spot.

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 03 Oct 2012 18:14
by allkidd
I made reservations in loop A, #12. We will getting there about mid-day Thursday and plan on staying until Sunday. Any body who wants to ride come by anytime.

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 08 Oct 2012 10:34
by kendall_smith
3 days 'til its time to leave for Chadwick. It looks like we're heading out early Thursday morning, so we'll most likely get in a little bit of riding that afternoon if everything goes smoothly. I've got a ton of stuff to do to get ready, but I can't wait to get down there for some riding.

The ankle should be good to go. I don't think I even sprained it since I can walk fine. I think I just banged it really hard on that rock. Actually, resting it in the truck on the drive home from Arkansas yesterday seemed to help enough that I never even had to limp. Hopefully, it will be all better by Thursday.

See you there!

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 00:03
by stimmer6253472
You guys end up going? I drove by A12 once to say hi but no bikes were there. Figured you were out riding. We were at the group site on the D loop. Perfect weekend for riding besides the bit of rain Saturday night. Three weeks ago the place was dead and this weekend it was packed. One time we were heading up the 105 back to camp and there must have been 50 bikes and quads with in a 100 yards of each other. Never seen anything like it. A ferw weeks ago we never saw a single other person on the trails the entire weekend.

Re: Chadwick Oct. 11-14

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 09:36
by kendall_smith
Our group all made it down for a weekend of riding. I didn't get there until mid afternoon on Thursday, so I ended up not riding until mid-morning on Friday. (Had to wait until the rain let up before I could get motivated to get dressed and hit the trails).

We got in a decent amount of riding on Friday and Saturday, but I ended up cutting the trip short since the crappy weather was rolling in on Saturday night. Someone made a mention of heavy thunderstorms that could include 70 mph wind gusts and possible hail, so I got out while the getting was good. I love my pop-up camper, but it isn't ideal in those kinds of conditions.

I only saw Randy once when our group was heading out of the campground, so I didn't end up doing any riding with him. Hopefully, he and his son had a good ride too. I intended to do some riding with him, but whenever I rolled by his campsite, it appeared that they were gone. Maybe next time.