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2011 Oct 28 - 30 Arkansas Adventure!

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 12:13
by troy
Oct 29 & 30, 2011
Ride & Camp Dualsport Adventure

Friday - 131 miles - Kansas City to Stockton Lake State Park
Highlights include minor highways and tiny bits of gravel to shortcut here and there.
View Friday's route
Leaving KC between 2 and 3. Exact departure TBD.

Saturday - 275 miles -= Stockton to Mulberry Mountain Lodge near St. Paul, AR.
Highlights include forest roads in the "Arkansas Grand Canyon", Arkansas' "Tail of the Dragon" (Hwy 123 near Mt. Judea), rugged Jeep road that features an old log settlers home setup as a personal museum we can tour, best BBQ you may ever eat.
View Saturday's route

Sunday - 310 miles - Mulberry Mountain Lodge to KC
Highlights include beautiful Shores Lake, infamous Warloop road and Pannell road.
View Sunday's route

You are invited, but if you are concerned about what time on Sun we'll return or are quickly frustrated when things don't work out quite as expected, you should avoid this ride. If, on the other hand, you like a little "adventure", this could be for you. There will be at least a few miles that could challenge some riders. Warloop and Pannell have some reputation.

Weather looks great for riding but nighttime temps are dipping down to mid 30's. Cold camping and brisk mornings. I'll be on my F800GS with an insulated suit. I'll take the liner out in the afternoon if it warms up enough. Camping is the plan, but we'll be ready to motel it if desired.


Just reply here if you want to ride.

Troy Wolf

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 20 Oct 2011 21:26
by bird man
Sounds like a fun ride. I have a 690 that would be just right for this ride. If I can get it ready in time. Still fitting it to suit me.
Where do you predict would be a good place to meet up with you on friday evening or sat. morning. I would be coming from Garnett and most likey, depending on your friday night location, be hauling the bike to meet up with you.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 04:12
by katbeanz
If the weather doesn't get too sucky, couple of the guys I rode CO with plan to camp @ mulberry. Same as you, 28th-31st, Marty could't go this weekend.
DocLewall posted a 180 mile track in the adv tx and gulf states shores lake camping thread. :idea:
CCryder, formerly of Smithville, has a thread up asking for paved stuff, those guys aren't shy about sharing the good stuff, rocker59 specifically. :wink:

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 07:46
by fbj913
i wanted to go this weekend but i think the weather might be crappy. so we are going to try and push for the exact same ride you described but go this weekend... If it doesnt work out im in!

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 08:40
by JasonK94Z
katbeanz wrote:If the weather doesn't get too sucky, couple of the guys I rode CO with plan to camp @ mulberry. Same as you, 28th-31st, Marty could't go this weekend.
DocLewall posted a 180 mile track in the adv tx and gulf states shores lake camping thread. :idea:
CCryder, formerly of Smithville, has a thread up asking for paved stuff, those guys aren't shy about sharing the good stuff, rocker59 specifically. :wink:

Where is the thread on the Shores Lake ride? I think I remember seeing a ride report on a ride there recently. I want to get that route.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 11:31
by ajayhawkfan

That sounds fun but most likely I'll be acting like a leaf in a tree stand waiting for Bambi's dad to walk by.

Speed safe.


Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 13:09
by troy
bird man wrote:Where do you predict would be a good place to meet up with you on friday evening or sat. morning. I would be coming from Garnett and most likey, depending on your friday night location, be hauling the bike to meet up with you.
I hope you can come along, Larry. Exactly what time I head out and where we meet up will depend on the needs of those coming on the ride. I'll remain flexible in these decisions until about Wed afternoon. If I'm completely on my own, I might head out 2:00 Friday afternoon. My guess is we'll be heading out closer to 5:00 to accommodate work schedules.

I don't want to ride much past dark, so we won't get terribly far Fri night. One thought I have is to eat dinner at the Toadsuck Grill in Iconium, MO. From there, we'd have to figure out lodging....which is still in the air as to camping vs motel. Larry, what's your preference? Also, Larry, it might work for you to meet us at the Toadsuck Grill near a specified time. It's about the same miles from your place or mine.

Katbeanz, where is Doc's route? I searched this thread for it, but did not find it.

Are there guys known to be camping down there on Sat, Oct 29? It would be fun to share camp with some fellow riders if that works out.

fbj913, you ignoring my emails or am I caught in your spam filter?


Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 18:06
by katbeanz
Sorry for the wild goose chase, I couldn't find it either. I'll see if I can attach, don't think Doc would mind. BTW, there's a trove of stuff still up in SLAP rally tracks thread, here..

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 18:39
by JasonK94Z
I lead this route this year at SLAP. It is an awesome ride! Some water crossings and some other popular sites to see. ... stcount=61

Pannell Rd is smoth now since someone ran a grader through there.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 18:40
by JasonK94Z
katbeanz wrote:Sorry for the wild goose chase, I couldn't find it either. I'll see if I can attach, don't think Doc would mind. BTW, there's a trove of stuff still up in SLAP rally tracks thread, here..

Anyone here that knows how, mind converting this track to route form?

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 19:34
by katbeanz

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 21 Oct 2011 22:07
by JasonK94Z

Same one. The first one that guy converted my route to tracks. Your second link is what i posted as a "route". I use routes along with city navigator so I get turn by turn directions. Makes life simple for me. :)

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 23 Oct 2011 22:00
by bird man
troy wrote: One thought I have is to eat dinner at the Toadsuck Grill in Iconium, MO. From there, we'd have to figure out lodging....which is still in the air as to camping vs motel. Larry, what's your preference? Also, Larry, it might work for you to meet us at the Toadsuck Grill near a specified time. It's about the same miles from your place or mine.
My plan is to ride some where this week end. I won't know for a few days if I will be able to go with you or not. Will let you know as soon as I get it sorted out. As far a camping vs. motel, camping would be ok but...I am not set up for camping (yet) ,the gear or hauling it. An early departure on friday is doable for me if I know a few days ahead of time. I about have the 690 ready except for figuring out the rear luggage situation. Any ideas , all I have on hand is a giant loop and the gas cap is behind the seat where the giant loop sets. It is only a problem at refueling time.
I have found riding to be more enjoyable at speeds of 65 and less also.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 10:16
by troy
bird man wrote:...all I have on hand is a giant loop and the gas cap is behind the seat where the giant loop sets. It is only a problem at refueling time.
My brand new Giant Loop Big Basin bag is laying on my F800 right now. I'm hoping I can refuel with the bag on---I think I read that I'll be able to.

I'm leaning towards camping. Fri night temp looks to hit as low as 35, which I'm setup for and have enjoyed in the past. Still waiting to see if other folks are interested, but time is running out.

As for what kind of riding I hope to I said, lots of minor highways getting down into AR. Once down there, we'll ride some amazing twisty highways and some gnarly forest roads, too. I'm hoping to hit the likes of Warloop Road, Pannell Road, and others. These 2 roads can be quite challenging on big bikes I'm told. However, I also learned that some locals graded Warloop earlier this year---so it's pretty easy to ride now.

Daytime temps under 65 mean I'll be wearing my full suit and taking the liner out as it warms up each day. Should be beautiful! Can't put too much value in weather forecasts, though!

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 23:11
by troy
JasonK94Z wrote:Pannell Rd is smoth now since someone ran a grader through there.
I read that someone (looked like locals) graded Warloop Rd. Pannell has been graded, too? Are you sure?

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 24 Oct 2011 23:26
by troy

Late evening building routes. I have completed routes for this weekend, and it's not for the faint of heart!

Note: camping in sub 40 degree weather is involved!

Friday night is only 110 miles total of minor highways to Iconium, MO where the plan is to eat great BBQ at the Toadsuck Grill before heading over to the Iconium Store for a "world famous" Nehi peach float. The store owner has agreed to let us camp across the street with access to the bathrooms. It's an "adventure", folks! If we somehow get out of KC early enough, we can ride further S before camping for the night, but not sure where.

UPDATE: Looks like the Toadsuck Grill is only open in summer. So Fri eve plan will change. No worries.

Saturday is a total of about 315 miles with highlights being:
  • Forest roads in the "Arkansas Grand Canyon" **
  • Hwy 123 out of Mt. Judea, the "Arkansas Tail of the Dragon" **
  • 8 miles of rugged jeep road with a stop to tour a historic cabin in BFE (few folks know about this one)
  • More great twisty highway with 21 and 16
  • The BEST BBQ I've ever had -- Backwoods BBQ outside of St. Paul, AR
  • Camping at Mulberry Mountain Lodge -- nice sites and shower house
Sunday is a total of about 320 miles with these highlights:
  • Fly Gap road
  • White Rock Mtn lookout
  • Hurricane Creek road
  • Warloop Road **
  • Pannell Road **
  • Lunch in Natural Dam, AR **
  • Slabbing it N on smaller highways eventually hitting Hwy 69 back to KC
** = NEW TO ME. It's an adventure, so who knows when the route will fail, bikes will break, etc.

If you are considering this ride, but concerned about the miles, I've done similar rides in the past (Fri eve - Sun night). The mileage was about the same or more and I had no issues and did not have to ride late into the evening. I do have some concern about Sunday considering Warloop and Pannell are hyped as really tough. Those few miles could take a long time. We'll shortcut when and wherever we need.

I can still be talked out of camping if folks want to come but really do not want to camp. Right now, it is just 2 riders with a 3rd rider joining for part of the Saturday route.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 13:55
by jasoomian
Seeing as how I am the one in for the partial Saturday 123 and 16/21 jaunt and some awesome BBQ in St. Paul, have you gathered a point in your head that, considering the time frame would be a good place to meet up.

I proposed Harrison, its a short ride from the Tulsa area Harrison to Jasper/Mt. Judea, so, if I can get out of work early enough on Friday, I'll probably head out then and stay at the Hampton Inn in Harrison, otherwise, I'll leave at the butt crack of morning to get to Harrison, or wherever, as soon as I can on Saturday - but, I much prefer to slab it on Friday just to make things easier.

I wish I was fitted for camping in colder weather, I love camping, and camping off the bike sounds mighty intriguing, but, I'm just not geared for it - yet. Although it does look like Mulberry has some actual lodging as well, so, who knows where I'll end up Saturday Night.

Which, in the shorter version on this reply was trying to plan out my Sunday and post split ride.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 16:49
by troy
I now figure on camping at Stockton Lake, Missouri Fri night. There are several campgrounds but probably the state campground. Note: everything can change on the fly!

This is an improvement, I think, because we'll have less miles to cover Saturday...things were a little tight with the original route.

So, Scottie...when to hook up in Harrison....well, if we have a lazy Sat morning hitting the road by 8 AM (that's lazy for me!), I think we can be in Harrison by 11:30. (When you aren't doing 75 on Interstate, it's a little harder to estimate travel time.) I'll be happy if neither of us ends up waiting more than 30 minutes. I don't know Harrison so I don't know WHERE to meet. Since a wait is involved, I'd prefer a place where a guy can sip a coffee or ice cream or enjoy some shade or otherwise be comfortable.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 19:53
by jasoomian
Well, if it's coffee you want to fight off the morning chill, how about meeting at 11:30'ish, or earlier, or later, whatever, here:

Uncommon Grounds‎
909 Highway 62 65 N
Harrison, Arkansas 72601
(870) 743-3218

It's across the street'ish from where I'll be staying (if I can leave a tad early on Friday, I'll head to Harrison as soon as I am ready), or, it's right off of 412 and 43 so it's pretty close to the main drag of Harrison, so, it will be easy to find as I barrel into town on Saturday morning.

Their address makes no sense, and unfortunately, that is either correct, or just really jumbled up. But, if you do a search on the Uncommon Grounds in Sir Google, it will find it. It's less than a 1/4 mile from the Hampton Inn.

Pretty sure this is the place I stopped for some sort of breakfast last time I came through Harrison, but, I could be wrong. If I remember right they had a typical sort of Panera type menu for breakfast and cafe fare. Hell, maybe I stopped at Panera. I was tired. So, who knows.

Re: 2011 Oct 29 & 30: long dualsport ride

Posted: 25 Oct 2011 20:16
by troy
That place looks good, BUT....let's do this place--it looks really cool and offers Panera like sandwiches, soups, coffee, bakery items---are you sure you weren't thinking of this place? It's right around corner from Hampton Inn to the W.

We'll plan on meeting at Neighbor's Mill in Harrison, AR between noon and 12:30. That's my estimate--you get what you pay for!

New route created and will be emailed to anyone coming along. Never on any Interstates and only minor highways until we hit 69 for the last bit of slab to home.

Oh...and Scottie, if you stick with us all the way to Sat night, Sun morning (modified route) starts out with a ride you'll enjoy on easy forest road and a fantastic view around Shores Lake. From there we'll get a big gnarlier, but you can take the Vstrom and head S on pavement to I-40 which then gives you easy options to get back to Owasso.

My biggest concern with the plan is getting to Camp Sat night before dark....with the stop to eat, we'll probably be riding into camp in the dark....but you need to eat this BBQ! No worries! We have 2 easy camping options for Sat night. If we are pushing dark, then we'll do Mulberry Mtn Lodge. It's right off highway and I know it well--I can get you in there in the dark no problem. If we have daylight left, we can push on to camp at Shores Lake which will save us 30 to 40 minutes on Sun morning.