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Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 08 Aug 2007 07:28
by Hank Moody
carlrf wrote:I don't know about the ride, as the Harley may not be together by then, but that is the coolest avatar I have yet to see!

You got to love the Husky's!!!!

Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 08 Aug 2007 20:26
by Hayden
As Troy said I will be down there all week, 20-1. Im doing the Music festival then heading up to White Rock Mountain to camp all week. Fayetteville also has a HUGH Harley Rally that week so will probably head into town for that. I will probably stay at Byrds also. Although I wont need a bed. I will camp out back on the deck like last year. I just like to sleep outdoors.
If any of you have doubts about going!! DONT. There is riding for everyone down there. Heck bring a street bike and ride the twistys all day. I have TONS!!! of riding loops for hwy goers. Some of the best twistys around for sure. Plent of roads to pick and chose your poison from trails to DS to full on HWY. Now if I could just talk Nobin into bring me down a Motard
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 08 Aug 2007 22:22
by MoRidin
You all have a great ride...the fall Arkansas ride is always one of my favs.
Put me down for the spring Arkansas ride...April Fool's again????
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 04 Sep 2007 19:12
by Hayden
Who do I need to talk to about staying at Byrds??? Did someone already get the cabin?
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 04 Sep 2007 20:25
by troy
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 04 Sep 2007 20:50
by MacWildcat
I'm in at Byrd's. I let Dave know already so I think his is already counting me in the total. Already starting prepping the bike (and ordered parts for the tired old DR650). Crossing my fingers I'm not going to be putting a new carb slide and diaphragm once I get there!
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 05 Sep 2007 20:53
by Hayden
Oh Thats no biggy. I will be down there all week and will have a full set of tools. I will also have a big tarp etc. I help ya if you need it.
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 05 Sep 2007 21:02
by Hayden
David H. How many are signed up for the Byrd house???? Could I get in on it???
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 06 Sep 2007 07:22
by david h
Tracy, sure you are welcome to join us. So far we have 4 signed up counting you, with 3 maybes.
David h
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 06 Sep 2007 15:03
by MesaLC4
Put me down for a spot in the Byrd House. Looking forward to it!
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 06 Sep 2007 19:57
by KC
David H., I would like to make a reservation as well. I will have a tent and sleeping bag w/ me, so if the house fills up, a bed won't be necessary...but appreciated!
I haven't heard Troy sound off in gonna make it Bro?? Won't be the same without you man!
Posted: 07 Sep 2007 08:14
by electrician
Hayden wrote:Carl
Everybody comes. This got started a couple of years ago when the guys got together and hosted a ride in AR. They came from Ohio to Oklahoma and inbetween. It was a great time. We all split up into a couple of groups so we had the ALL KTM guys and then a group of mixed riders from Hondas to Huskeys. Even had a KLR this last year. Its mostly Trail riding with a little or a lot of single track. Its all up to you and how much you want to do. Lots of rock and river crossings too to mix it up. It is basicly just doing a lot of exploring in the Ozark National Forest on ATV trails. Bike must be street legal. Its quite a hoooot.
Some body rode a KLR last year? Man, I bet that was rough..........
This year I will be on my 2001 XR 650R. I would love to bring my 450R, but it's just not street legal. Maybe the local 5-0 wouldn't mind. Hey, I did take out a croch-rocket for them last year.
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 07 Sep 2007 08:16
by electrician
Hemphill: yes, count me in if it's not too late.

Re: Re:
Posted: 07 Sep 2007 08:50
by troy
electrician wrote:Some body rode a KLR last year? Man, I bet that was rough..........
You man-handled that KLR, though. You definitely handled your KLR through the Mill Creek ATV Trail system better than I did on my KLR. The XR650R will be a little better, eh?

You could probably get along just fine with the 450R. Just slap the XR650 plate on it and don't do wheelies in front of the highway patrol car. The locals (even local police I hear) are very friendly to off-road machines--even ATVs--heading into town to get gas and food.
Perhaps you should bring both so you have a spare--you never know when you'll wipe out on an easy gravel curve and snap off a brake lever.

Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 07 Sep 2007 18:08
by Hayden
Ok David. Thanks. Just let me know when I need to pay you.
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 07 Sep 2007 20:11
by david h
8 riders so far. I trust all who have signed up so far and won't need payment till we get there. The cabin is 85$ plus 10$ a head after the first two. If we have 8 riders it works out 145$ split 8 ways =18$ plus taxes. Not bad for what you get. I have the cabin reserved for 3 nights so each rider needs to figure on approx. 60 to 70$.
Food is the next thing to figure out. Last year worked out well I thought. We could try that again or whatever the group thinks would be best. Ozark is about 14 miles away and we could just buy all our stuff there I suppose.
Tracy, Could you pick up the key from Byrds like you did last year. I hope to be there by noon on Thursday to do a little riding before dark.
When are the rest of you gonna show up?
People should post up to see if we can do a little car pool action to save on gas. David Hodges and I might have room for one more leaving from Lawrence at about 5-6am Thursday.
David h
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 07 Sep 2007 22:26
by KC
Tracy will already be down there...hmmm, I don't see anybody else from the Wichita area signing up yet, so I guess I will be driving down alone again!!
I am working Thursday and plan on leaving as soon as I can get away. I will either push on through and arrive after dark or grab a motel in Joplin and see yall early Friday morning.
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 08 Sep 2007 08:06
by Hank Moody
Hey David put me down as a STRONG maybe... Things changed at work for me this week and I'm sure it won't be a problem for me to take off. Now I have to get the okay from the real boss???
I will be heading down Friday morning approx. 0800 with arrival around 1300.
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 08 Sep 2007 23:06
by MesaLC4
David, there's a good chance I'll be down in Springfield on a job that week. If it all works out I wouldn't mind joining you for the Thursday ride.
If the job doesn't pan out I'll be coming down on Friday morning instead if anyone wants to carpool from Olathe.
Re: AR Fall Ride again? Sep 28-30th
Posted: 09 Sep 2007 10:25
by MacWildcat
Hi David. Might be interested in carpooling out Thursday also. What are the details are bedding, water, etc. at Byrds?