I took my new to me xr650l I bought from rideforum's flea market earlier this year. Chris had it set up really well for his neighbor, but I made a few changes that worked well on my old xrl. Bar risers, saddlebag racks, 5.8 gal tank, mikuni carb, hi comp piston, performance cam, modded stock muffler and ground header welds.

Bannack montana

skakhalo falls

granite montana ghost town

mine superintendent's home in granite

mill ruins

view from mill

sula peak fire lookout

bare cone fire lookout

old time gas pumps still going in Shoup Idaho

magruder corridor

burnt knob fire lookout

Lolo pass

Lolo motorway

me fall down, either bigfoot or a chupacabra

1400 miles, 100 miles from darby to bannack