Search found 12 matches
- 03 Jun 2019 11:25
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Sedalia ride after flooding
- Replies: 3
- Views: 13324
Re: Sedalia ride after flooding
Looks like a good time!
- 07 May 2019 14:03
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Gentlemen of the Dirt Road, Guthrie, OK May 3-5
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12402
Re: Gentlemen of the Dirt Road, Guthrie, OK May 3-5
I actually learned about it here! Someone posted a link about it. It sure was fun. We think attendance was low as the Arkansas event was the same weekend.
- 07 May 2019 09:08
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Gentlemen of the Dirt Road, Guthrie, OK May 3-5
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12402
Gentlemen of the Dirt Road, Guthrie, OK May 3-5
I had a blast at the Gentlemen of the Dirt Road event last weekend in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Here are a couple pics from this muddy event. Also, here is a link to a post where I have a lot more photos. I can highly recommend this event! https://i.img...
- 27 Feb 2019 10:00
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: OK. DS Ride
- Replies: 8
- Views: 18942
Re: OK. DS Ride
Did a little searching and it does look like my Garmi Nuvi 55 LM allows for importing of GPX files. I should be good to go once I get the GPS mounted and power supplied to it. Thanks for offering to assist!
- 26 Feb 2019 16:07
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: OK. DS Ride
- Replies: 8
- Views: 18942
Re: OK. DS Ride
I note the website with info about this rally indicates they provide downloadable GPS info. So I have a car type GPS but don't know if you generally need a different style to allow uploading GPS info such as they rally provides. Any thoughts?
- 15 Feb 2019 09:37
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: OK. DS Ride
- Replies: 8
- Views: 18942
Re: OK. DS Ride
Went ahead and signed up this morning. Early advance pricing through Feb. 16. Anyone else here considering attending? This will be my first event to participate in.
- 12 Feb 2019 15:29
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: OK. DS Ride
- Replies: 8
- Views: 18942
Re: OK. DS Ride
Thanks for posting. Looks like that could be fun!
- 06 Nov 2018 10:08
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Sunday's Ride east of Andover, KS
- Replies: 5
- Views: 14424
Re: Sunday's Ride east of Andover, KS

Thanks for the hint!
- 06 Nov 2018 09:56
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Sunday's Ride east of Andover, KS
- Replies: 5
- Views: 14424
Re: Sunday's Ride east of Andover, KS
That's cool! Pretty area to ride. I'm usually not challenged with attaching photos but having some trouble adding more photos.
- 06 Nov 2018 09:38
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Sunday's Ride east of Andover, KS
- Replies: 5
- Views: 14424
Sunday's Ride east of Andover, KS
Had a nice ride Sunday with about half on gravel roads and half on blacktop on the way home. I used to hunt in this area when I was a kid so it was fun exploring this area on two wheels. Not sure if anyone is using EatSleepRide but it is a cool app that tracks your route. Here's my route from Sunday...
- 31 Oct 2018 08:28
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Fall Bird Farm trail ride Oct. 27
- Replies: 46
- Views: 68067
Re: Fall Bird Farm trail ride Oct. 27
Thanks for the welcome! Definitely on the lookout for fun places to ride. Looks like a great place to learn,
- 30 Oct 2018 16:07
- Forum: Ride!
- Topic: Fall Bird Farm trail ride Oct. 27
- Replies: 46
- Views: 68067
Re: Fall Bird Farm trail ride Oct. 27
Looks like a blast - hope to make it to an event like this in the future. New rider just figuring it all out!